The Odd One Out (connor is an absolute unit)

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(Yikes yikes yikes!!! I am so sorry. I go to a state conservatory for the arts, and school goes till 6:30. It's hard to explain but it's a tiring school - I'm very thankful for it though - and I love you all.

Ew Evan is too uwu in this ah)

I felt obligated to post. I'm so sorry for my horrible first draft, untouched

I think I revert back to my amphibian form when around you.

My joints straighten up, unable to bend. I'm awkward and so very low, on another scalar of proportion even. I slither, teetering from one side to another only to fall and drown in the river banks. The green, rushing waters will carry my lifeless body to only get stuck against roots that trail into the marsh. I fossilize on the bark, leaving the imprint of a failed attempt: my unrequited love.

I'm an undeveloped version of you, 65 million years too early.

I'm like the Homo Erectus around you. I act so ignorantly because my brain is 850 cubic centimeters. Nothing like yours, which is a full 15 centimeters. It would take thousands of years for me to evolve to your level, my Homo Sapien.


"Jesus, Connor close your mouth when your eat!" She laughs.

He swallows his food, hard. "I was. I swear!"

"That's not what I saw," Jared chimed in with an underlying exuberance. He seemed to like Connor more. It grows by the day, I think.

They joked like this for a while. Connor, with great patience and surprising endurance kept it together throughout the week. In a weird way, I think Connor understood me. Sure, Evan and I had disturbing similarities, but that didn't mean we were great friends. Connor listened, and was
patient with me. There wasn't even a glimpse of a condescending tone or judgement. I felt like Connor was finally letting the scenery blur before him. He was letting life happen for once.

"Not to be weird," Evan trailed off. "But If our lunch table was The Office, Jared would be Kevin."

I've never seen that show.

Zoe let out a large snort, then covered her mouth to make sure nothing flew out. Even Connor smirked.

"I WOULD FUCKING NOT BE." Jared mocked, a pseudo-anger traced his face as he dramatically grit his teeth. "I'm Jim, God damnit."

"Anyone who thinks they're Jim is actually Micheal," Connor spits. Like nothing, the group laughs more.
Zoe, then remarked what I'm assuming we're quotes from the show.

"I take it back!" Evan said through a fit of laughter. "He's totally Micheal!"


Sometimes I can't tell if Jared is quoting The Office, of just being a weirdo. He's really on odd one.

Apparently I'm Kelly, Evan is Ryan, Zoe is Pam, and Connor is Creed. Unaware as ever, I decide to pack my things. I assumed I wasn't exactly welcome. I do that when the air gets to thick. I am the gawkish behavior, surrounding the odd one out.

Also, being the only spurt of color in the group is a little stressful too. Seriously, I love my friends, but the looks of both awe and disgust I occasionally receive aren't very comforting.

I slid an unopened pop tart into my lunch box, the one with the quaint daisies and monogram. It was childish, but reminded me of times with out worry and pretty yellow school buses and excitement. Like nostalgia without the accompanying guilt. I wish I felt like that all the time.
No one really noticed that I was packing up. Only after I weaved through the tables, obnoxious students,  Alexis, did anyone care.

fumblings and mumblings //. DEHWhere stories live. Discover now