New Memories

18 2 6

(I'm so so so Sorry for the wait!! Also, ever heard of an urban loft studio apartment? They're cramped and adorable. I thought I was perfect for the Hansen's new home. I wanted them to live in one so bad that I just put a picture up. I know my description of it won't make sense lol. Song is still here)

In response to: You've been invited!🎉🍰

Alanna, 🎊
So excited! Will be there.
- Evan 💙


Connor: hey

Evan: hi

Connor: you take the bus right?

I looked from my phone, and out the window. Houses, buildings, kids walking home, kids biking home. It's all here, the staples of an average bus ride. There's kids in the back screaming, some hitting what looks to be a flash drive then blowing our smoke. I love the bus wow.

Evan: sadly, yes

Connor: the bus is shit lmao

What stopped me from replying, was the crippling fear of why.
Why does he care? The negative part of my brain says he's just being polite after Thursday, but the rational side knows that it is beyond Connor to be polite - He doesn't know how.

Evan: haha yeah XD

Connor: oh my god did anyone tell you to not text that

I felt a chuckle creep from my throat. I knew he'd hate that, I just did.

Evan: guess not 🤷🏼‍♂️

Connor: that fucking emoji looks just like you

Evan: 💁🏼‍♂️

I shoved my phone into my Khaki's as our yellow vehicle made a jarring screeching noise, which was some how comforting because it meant that I was almost home. Almost time to get off the tin can from hell.

Trying to squeeze between rows of acne and desperation while wearing what feels like 80 pounds on your back is probably the worst of it. Though, the overheard slurs and overall hornieness of the vehicle is almost up there.
Third is probably the the volume. Like Jesus, where is the MLK bus on the Richter scale?

Before I reached the door, a traffic jam began when one boy tripped on his way down the steps, and plummeted to the asphalt.

"He skinned his knees!"

"He's bleeding!"

"I'm really okay, y'all," I heard him y'all back.

"fucking nerd." The voice sounded like Antonio, which reminded me of how I still hate him.

I turned to see who I was between. On the right bench, to girls sat intertwined, aggressively locking lips. I hadn't seen them at GSA.
The pale one looked so rooted onto the other's lap. You couldn't move the two with a bulldozer. Which was kind of endearing, but inevitably gross. To put in on Connor's words: "the bus is shit lmao."

fumblings and mumblings //. DEHWhere stories live. Discover now