Definitely Not Sober

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By this point they were all drunk off there butts, and Natasha landed on the go to jail space.

"I fucking hate this game."

She yelled before pulling out a pistol and shooting the board.

"Natasha no you cant just shoot the board."

You yell, apparently you cant yell around drunk Pietro. He starts to sob slowly and quietly,

"you guys made Pietro cry thats mean."

Wanda wailed before bursting into sobs herself, soon all the adults were in tears.

"Guys I'm sorry, please be quiet ill make it up to you."

You plead to the full grown toddlers,


Bucky asked drying his eyes.

"Yeah Bucky."

You respond making sure to keep your voice down.

"Can we braid each others hair. Like everyone with long enough hair."

He asked as though it was normal.

"Is that okay with you guys."

You ask lookin around the room at, Tasha, Wanda, Thor, and Loki. There eyes light up at the idea,

"what about us."

Tony whines,

"Do you guys want to....... build a pillow fort."

You ask hoping it will settle there nerves.

"Yes yes yes please, (Y/N) could we please please please."

Clint begged,

"Yes of course you can."

You tell the drunk idiot.

"Jarvis these guys are drunk as fuck, can you do me a favor and not listen to anything they say."

You ask hoping that the AI will have your side,

"Of course (Y/N) I can also sense a high alcohol level in there blood and will not do anything they ask until that changes."

He responds,

"Thank you so much Jar."

You say silently thanking Tony for making him. You lock all the avengers on the floor and race around grabbing pillows and blankets.

"(Y/N) the avengers have seem to get into a fight I recommend heading back to the floor before there any fatality's."

Jarvis told you, you rush back to the floor. When you get there you drop all the blankets and pillow you were holding, seeing guns drawn. They were all pointing them at each other and one small drunk slip could end the whole thing in disaster.

"Guys calm down do you want to build a pillow fort."

You offer in hopes that will calm the crazies.


Natasha grumbles lowering her gun. Everyone follows suit, and they begin making the fort or braiding hair.

"(Y/N) can we please watch a movie."

Loki whined. "What do you want to watch."

You ask,

"can we watch Disney Tangled."

T'Challa asked.

"Yes of course we can."

You respond, you turn on the tv from where you were with Rhodes braiding your hair. You put the movie on, and hope that is the end of there requests.

Half way though the movie the had finished the pillow fort. Which was honestly more like a kingdom, they ended up treating it like one. The established a royal line, and high achy. You admired there imagination.

"Im hungry."

Sam complained, waiting in line to be exicuted, by king Wanda. She had insisted on being king not queen, and had banished her brother early on in the game. He was now pouting in the corner,

"Me too."

Pietro grumbled.

"Okay I will order pizza."

You sigh, pulling the app up on your phone.

"No I want Pop tarts."

Thor yells from his spot in the throne room, he was the jester.

"The fucking clown doesn't get a say it dinner we are having plums."

Bucky yelled. He was the long lost prince, of the made up kingdom called Brooklyn. They though they came up with it, and you didn't have the heart to tell them otherwise.

"No we are having shawarma."

Tony yelled, he was the head knight in the kingdom and had a real sword. Which you tried to take from him, but... lets just say you almost ended up like Bucky.

"Okay okay I will order what ever you all want. Get in a line so I can take you order."

After half a hour of bickering you finally sent the prolonged order to a post-mate. You put on a new movie for them, which ended up being cars two. The bell rang, and jump scared Clint who was in the vent. He screamed before part of the celling fell with him in it.

"No Clint you have a wife and family you cant die."

Natasha said rushing over to Clint's limp body. You took the chance to gather the food. You payed him, and rushed him out of the tower as fast as possible.

When you got back to the floor it looked like a death ritual was being preformed.

"What the heck is going on here."

You shout hoping they weren't summoning a demon with Clint's body.

"We are having a funeral."

Bruce said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. You sigh and put the food on the table. You walk over to Clint and wake him up gently,

"Do you want to go to bed."

You offer, he nobs and you help him stand up. You bring him to his floor and lock him in his room telling Jarvis not to release him without your permission.

You run back down to the main floor to find all the avengers weapons drawn facing the elevator you just stepped out of.

"You are a witch you brought Clint back from the dead."

Tony growled through the iron man suit he was wearing.

"Jarvis can you take control of the suit and fly Tony to his floor, lock him in hiss room to."

You say hand in the air, in hopes the avengers wont shoot you.

"Of course."

You hear the robot say before the iron man suit seem to get a mind of its own, and drag Tony to the elevator. You turn around and face the elevator as the doors close. Your about to turn back around when you feel the cool metal of a gun barrel on the back of your neck.

"Natasha, put the gun down I am not a witch. I will feed you food if you let me live."

You say successfully hiding your fear. You felt the weapon lower from your brain stem. You turn around slowly as to not frighten the drunks,

"You promised food."

Bruce said looking a little green.

"Yes follow me."

You say lowering your hands and walking into the dining room. You began to open the multiple bags as the remaining avenger took there seats at the table. You placed each of there food in front of them, and ate your own.

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