Good morning

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A/N I think the picture is hilarious.

Head hurts. You open your eyes for them to abused by light pouring into the room. You flip over and pull the cover above your head. You groan and sit up ripping the covers off your face. dragging your self out of bed you check the clock, 7:02 a.m. Your internal clock normally woke you up around 6:30 so you slept in a little today.

"Is anyone awake."

You ask to the invisible butler.

"No, you are the first up."

He replied

"Okay good."

You respond, before heading down to the main floor. you saw the pillow fort, and most of the avengers inside. moving towards the kitchen you contemplate what to make. You decided on eggs and toast with honey for food, since you read somewhere they were good for hang overs.

"Jarvis, tell people to come to the kitchen when they are up."

"Of course."

You made eggs and pancakes, along with tea, and got apple juice out of the fridge.

When you were done, nobody was awake, but you did not want the food to get cold.

"Jarvis wake everyone up and tell them to come here."

You say looking at the clock 7:52 A.M


The British A.I. responded, soon T'Challa walked into the kitchen. He looks at you then down a the food that was on the counter, he grabbed a plate and filled it with food. Steve and Bucky followed, next was Sam giving Nat a piggy back. She seemed to have fallen back asleep, maybe she haven't woken up in the first place.

"Good morning."

You said, T'Challa and Sam looked at you with murder in there eyes.

"Hey! I made you food!"

"Yeah you also woke us up."

T'Challa replied. Nat woke up, and hopped off Sams back. She grabbed a plate, and filled it with eggs then graded a mug and got tea. Soon followed Bucky and Steve. Then the rest of them slowly trickled in.

"(Y/N) I feel like I'm dying."

Tony whined, putting his head in his hands.

"Tony you aren't dying any quicker then usual. You just have a hang over."

You say

"I want coffee."

Thor complains.

"Well too bad you big baby, right now you get tea."

You reply cranky.

The rest of the day was filled with whining and Advil. (not sponsored.)

The end.

I know this story sucks.

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