Part 7

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To Venus' surprise, Christopurr actually knew a lot about the environment! They started work on a huge poster together - Venus wrote down facts and information, while Christopurr did drawings. He was actually pretty good at drawing, but Venus didn't say anything. Instead she said "you should put that picture there - next to the bit about cutting down trees." To which Christopurr replied "ok, ok! I didn't think a tiny plant like you could be so bossy!" Venus tried not to look as furious as she felt when he said that. By the time lunch break was over, Venus and Christopurr had nearly finished the poster, and they had been talking a lot more. They had arranged to meet at the same time the next day, to continue work. Venus still wasn't sure if Christopurr was nice or not, so she decided not to hang around with him too often.

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