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He opened the door letting me in

It looked cozy and cute

Very hipster

"Just set your things down " he said

I gave a weird look

"Oh yeah" he said

"Hold on" he said

He speed out of the room leaving me

I turned around confused

I heard a plop on the floor

"There" he said satisfied with himself

It was my bag filled with clothes and snacks

"Thank you" I said grabbing my bag setting my bag on the bed

I grabbed the snacks out of my bag

"Why are we here" I said

"No one knows about this place, you'll be safer" he said

"But you don't care" I said keeping one bag of chips in my hand sitting on the wooden table near by

"Well I need you alive unil a few weeks" he said sitting next to me taking my chips

"Thanks" he said

I groaned

"Won't your body decay" I said

"Nah, I'm not a full vampire" he said

My stomach growled

He handed me back the chips

"You need it more" he said getting up

I chomped down the chips

"And a shower" he said

"Fuck you, you kept me in a cold meat locker room for weeks" I said defensive

"Touche" he said

"But you still are musty" he said chucking

"Fine, I'll go" I said hopping of the table

"Where is it" I asked

"Figure it out" he said

"You sound like Jace" I said annoyed

"Don't compare me to him" he growled

"What are you going to do about it" I asked

"Don't test me" he said smirking

"Its on the left, there like two doors in this cabin" he said rolling his eyes

I walked to grab my bag and headed to the bathroom

I pulled out my soaps, toothbrush, hair stuff and etc.

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