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Jace shoved me over

"The doorbell is ringing" he said

It was morning

"And, you could have opened it" I said groaning

"Techicly I'm not supposed to be here, like you requested" he said sitting up

"Why" I asked

"That's not important right now"

"Besides your already there" he said

"What-" I said

I was at the door

"Fuck you" I said annoyed

"Hello- shit," I surprised

"Hey Jakob" he was half naked

"Where are your clothes" I asked looking up

"Can I please just come in" he said pleading

I let him in

"Thank you " he said as I closed the door

"Now, why are you naked" I asked

"I don't know how to say this" he said

"Just get on with it" I said

"I'm a Werewolf" he said wincing

"Okay" I said

"You don't believe me don't you" he said

"Not for a second" I repiled

"Why would I lie to you" he said with a pleading look

"Because I just don't,"

"Is this some trick to get me back" I asked

"No" he exclaimed

"No" he said more quiet

"I didnt think you were serious" he said

"Well I was'' I said rudely

I was a litte pissed he didn't tell me he was a werewolf

"Do you have any clothes" he asked

"Yeah because I just live with boys,"

"Why did you think to come here" I asked

"I don't know" he said truth full

I felt bad for him

I still did like Jakob

I just couldn't let him get into trouble by hanging out with me

Or worse danger because of me

"Come with me" I sighed

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