Accidental reveal (tks Plagg)

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An: This occurs in the episode "Dark owl" where Mari and Adrien are stuck in a cage together with whipped cream creeping up their legs.

"You have to trust me" she said.
I did just that. I closed my eyes. 

"Spots off" She mumbled. I understood what I had to do. But why should I. I cant live with the suspense of knowing that My Lady detransformed right in front of me. But I have to respect her choice. If she doesn't want to show herself, then maybe its for the best. 

"Claws in." I feel the familiar whoosh and the warmth of leather leave me. I feel the wind next to me where Plagg comes out of the ring. Then I hear him gasp softly.


 My eyes shoot open, taking in the face before me. Her kwami's back is turned towards me, so I am not spotted(no pun intended). I pay more attention to my classmate. As soon as I lay eyes on her clothes I know who she is. The familiar black shirt and pink leggings burn their image into my brain. I recognize Marinette's signature on her t-shirt. It marks her design, and I always admired her for her talent. I trail my eyes up her face, her pigtails hung loosely at her shoulders, coming undone due to all the running she does as Ladybug. Her face is contorted into a mask of concentration and hope, but I detect fear. Fear of losing to Hawkmoth. Her lips are pressed firm together and her eyes forcefully pressed shut, I can only assume it is to prevent herself from seeing who I am under the mask. But it is without a doubt... my princess and M'lady are the same person. Her kwami turns around and I shut my eyes, not wanting to be caught yet, so I play along with Ladybugs plan until she captures the akuma.

after dark owl gets defeated

"Pound it?" She says as she holds up her fist to me. I look closely at her, how did I not see it before, the way her eyes sparkle with triumph whenever she completes a mission, resembling her reaction when she stands up to Chloe. Her smile of victory after defeating an akuma which challenges the same smile she wears while handing in a tough homework assignment to the teacher. I wonder how I did not see all the similarities before.  I fell in love with Ladybug, who is sweet charming Marinette. My fist connects with her's. "Pound it!" I don't want her to realize that I know the truth, so I smile and jump away, leaving her with Principal Damocles.

At Adrien's house

*Chat detransforms*

"Plagg, Marinette is Ladybug!!" Adrien whispered to his kwami, still not sure if all of it was a dream. "Yeah kid, I realized" Plagg said rolling his eyes. "Did you know before today?" Adrien questioned. "If I knew I wouldn't have been so surprised, use your logic kid!" Plagg responded, rolling his eyes, "you were not supposed to find out tho.."

"What, why?" Adrien asked "This whole thing about having to protect each other, which I find really stupid to be honest, I mean, wouldn't it have been easier to tell your partner who you are so that they can protect you? But don't tell Tiki I said that, she's scary when she's angry." Plagg retorted. "Anyway I want Camembert, gimme now."

Adrien sighed then handed over the stinky cheese to his kwami before getting lost in deep thoughts. He pondered over the situation before finally getting to the conclusion that he should make the most of this opportunity to make Marinette fall in love with him as both Adrien and Chat Noir. The next day would certainly be interesting for both of our heroes.

Next day in school

"The bell rang 3 minutes ago Marinette, care to explain why you are late this time!" Miss Bustier say, her face in a frown. Unknown to Marinette, she found it very funny when the poor student tried to make up and excuse. "Uhh...CAT,the vet,jellybeans,umm,uh,the BUS, no that wont work, BROKE DOWN, HAMSTERS, uhh OREOS WITH PINK ICING, TRIPPED and...." Fumbled Marinette

"I think she's trying to say that it wouldn't happen again Miss." covered Alya. Marinette shot her a thank you glance and slowly made her way up to her seat. "We have to make a list of excuses for you to use girl" Alya grinned at Mari making her smile, "Seriously, OREOS WITH PINK ICING, HAHAHA!!" 

"Quiet please miss Césaire" Miss Bustier announced. "Sorry miss" Alya and Marinette said together. Miss Bustier turned back to the black board just before, "SORRY I'M LATE!" Adrien burst into the room, sweat running down the side of his face. Marinette stared at him, thinking about how hot he looked in this situation, he then turned to face her and she blushed, embarrassed that he caught her staring. He made his way to his seat beside Nino after explaining that he woke up late and as soon as he sat down, instead of his usual handshake with Nino, he turned straight to Marinette.

"Good morning Princess" He said. His mouth turning up into a small grin. Mari flinched at the nickname which was reserved for Chat but quickly blushed after hearing Adrien say it, to HER... HE JUST CALLED HER PRINCESS!! Realization dawned on Mari, did Adrien just..flirt with her? As he spun back around, Mari turned to Alya whose mouth hung open. "What on earth, he just called you princess!" Alya whispered. Adrien snickered from the front, it seems like Alya didn't whisper as quietly as she thought she did. Mari blushed an even darker shade of red, surprised at Adrien's boldness. Nino shot Adrien a sideways glance, begging for answers. Adrien just shrugged and seemed to turn his attention to the teacher. What they didn't know, was that Adrien was freaking out inside his head. He had just made his Lady blush!

An: If you want me to continue with this one shot, I would be happy to expand on this idea. So please comment if you do want me to continue this.

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