They All Do

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"I Love You Ladybug"

"I'm sorry Chat, I don't feel the same way about you, I like someone else now. You had your chance as Adrien, when I approached you as Marinette. But you only had feelings for my other half. Not the real me. You just addressed me as Ladybug, but I'm my own person. My name is not Ladybug, it's Marinette. I have moved on from you when you rejected me, and Luka accepted my feelings. I love him now. Please understand."

With that said Ladybug turned around, sighed, and jumped off the Eiffel tower.

Chat sunk to his knees and placed his head in the palms of his hands.

He lost his chance to be with Ladyb- No not Ladybug, Marinette. But now she belonged to someone else who loves her for who she is. As he watched her swing off towards the Dupain-Cheng bakery, tears stained the metal floor of the Eiffel Tower, showing each tear as it fell.

Because he loved her, he lost her.

He glanced up at the pink and orange sky, it was a beautiful sunset today. There were no clouds. Up there his mother was. She would look down and see her son in despair, he lost his love after all.He sighed and looked back out at Paris turning to night. Lights were flickering on and people hurried to get to their houses before nightfall.

He detransformed and brought out a picture of him and his friends. All his focus was on a girl with pigtails, who asked him out. He rejected her. It was his own mistake. More tears fell, blurring out his own face.

"It's okay, you can leave. They all do anyway."

He broke down into loud sobs, completely aware of Plagg's warning that he might become akumatised. So he waited for the butterfly to come and ease his pain as he cried, but it never came. Because as his body shook with grief, a human man with a purple mask was sprawled on the floor of his lair, eyes watery from salty tears, sobbing quietly.

Only he could understand his son's pain after all...

An: I'm sorry I had too do this😂

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2018 ⏰

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