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"Have you heard from Zara today? She hasn't been talking to me lately," I asked Steven after my third failed attempt to call Zara. She had texted me some in the morning, but I didn't get anything after noon.

"No, she hasn't said much to me either," Steven said, which I also found odd since he was who she talked to most. She started to worry me.

"You don't think she's cheating, do you?" I asked, which prompted Steven to look up.

"You trippin," he said, "she wouldn't do that to you. She's too into you."

I nodded, but that didn't stop me from freaking out. I tried to calm myself and I took a deep breath in, then let it out. It wasn't that I didn't trust her, because I did, but I know how tour life can weigh on someone.

"Diego, you ready to go?" Ty said to me and I nodded. I got up and said goodbye to Steven, then went off the bus. I followed Bobby to the back of the building and we talked as we walked together.

When I walked in I saw a huge line of people, wrapping around the door and even going out of the door. People screamed and yelled as I walked in, and I smiled. I got in front of the photo backdrop as they opened the meet and greet. I set my bag down by the security guard.

I smiled when the first girl came up to me. She looked about seventeen or eighteen. She came up and said hi to me, then gave me a bracelet she made. I thanked her and gave her a hug. We snapped a few photos, then she said goodbye and went. The next people came by and the meet up kept going.

What seemed like two hours later, then last person came through and I met them. We chatted for a minute and took some pictures. I said goodbye to them and they exited the building.

"That's everyone," Bobby said and I nodded. We walked out the same way we came, and down the alley back towards the bus. Both of us were talking to each other when we were interrupted.

"Yo, D!" I heard someone say behind us, and I turned around to see Zara a few feet behind us, "Don't I get a picture?"

I started to run to Zara, but she beat me and got to me first. She flew into my arms and I picked her up, then swung her around. She laughed as I held her up. I set her down on the ground, and she immediately kissed me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her as I kept my arms wrapped around her.

"I had a long weekend from school so I decided to come surprise you," she said and I smiled at her. I looked down at her and I went in to kiss her again.

"I missed you," I mumbled as we kissed each other. She smiled and said 'I missed you too'.

"Stop shoving your tongues down each other's throats and get on the bus!" We both heard, and saw Steven standing outside of the bus. I pressed another kiss to her lips quickly.

"Is that why you haven't been texting me today?" I asked and she smiled as she nodded.

"Yeah. I literally just got in off the plane," she said and I pulled her into my side with one arm. I kissed the top of her head and smiled as I let her onto the bus. I saw her immediately go and hug Steven, which I smiled at.

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