The Beginning of the End

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        Ari was your 'typical' 8th grade girl. She had a huge crush on the school's star soccer player, Elliot Morgan. On the last day of school, her best friend Becky convinced Ari confess to Ell, as everyone called him. Ari decided to confess, because, who cares? They where going to different high schools anyways, and she decided one more break in her heart couldn't affect her much more. 

Later that day, she walked out of Math class with purpose, seeking out Ell. She later found him alone, so she went up to him. "Hey Ell" All said. "Hey, Ari, right?"he said. "Yup, that's me" she cringed at how awkward she was being. "So I kinda need to tell you something," She trailed off before looking up into his beautiful blue eyes. They were unusual, she thought. He had dark brown, curly hair, but blue eyes. She quickly snapped herself out of staring awkwardly at him, and opened her mouth but quickly shut it. "What's up?" He asked her. "I-I umm, I, I like you. Like, like-like you." She quietly said and looked at the ground. She could tell he didn't like her back that way, and he said so. "I'm really sorry Ari, but I don't like you like that." He said. "Oh, i-it's okay." She turned around and walked to her next class, thankful no one else was around. 

      After school was over,  she walked home and unlocked the front door. "Hey Mom! I'm home!" No response. "Zach?" She called out. Hmm. That was odd. Her mother and brother weren't home. It was Thursday, and the last day of school. Her brother, now going to University, was probably out with friends, and when she walked into the kitchen she saw a note. Okay, no need to freak out Ari, she told herself. She reached over and grabbed the note off the fridge. Her Mom just got another shift at the bank. She walked up to her room and flashed back to that day, the day she first found out her Dad died. 

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