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 It's time for college now, I'm lazy and kinda busy with school sorry

    It was the day college had started. I had woken up earlier than anticipated and now sat in a cute little coffee shop near the college. I just finished reading my current favorite book for the 6th time, and decided to be on my way.

**Amazing power of time skip**

Schiznitts. I was going to be late if I didn't hurry up. Ugh, there was so many stairs. Who made this place anyways? Campass was huge, but nothing compared to the hike up the stair case leading to the front doors. As I quickly ran up the stairs to be there early enough to find my way around campass, my foot clipped the edge of the previous stair and I was falling before I realized what was happening. I pushed my arms out in front of me to prevent me from breaking my face, but someone had grabbed me by my bag. 

"You could do some damage falling like that" the stranger chuckled. 

"Haha, yeah I guess so" I said not knowing much what to say

"Thanks for catching me so I didn't break my face" I said jokingly. 

"Yeah, no problem, we wouldn't want you to break your face now would we?" He said

I could tell that he was teasing, and stuck out my hand to properly greet him.

"Haha, Hey, my names Ariana Gondolez, but everyone calls me Ari" I said as he grabbed my hand and  shook it in return.

"Elliot Morgans, but you can call me Eli. Pleasure to meet you Ari" he said with a small smile. 

"You too, oh! I need to go find my class! Sorry, see ya around!" I say smiling and waving as I turn to walk away. 

"Yeah, me too. Cya!" He says and we part ways.

        **A few days later **

     I'm leaving my locker with my sketch book in hand, and my bag. As always, I'm lost in thought and not paying attention and crash into something solid. 

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going, are you okay?" I ask looking up from my spot on the floor where I fell.

"Haha nice to see you again too" Eli says with an easy smile.

"And it's okay, I'm fine, need some help up?" He asks and I shake my head. I get up and dust off my jeans, with without my noticing he picks up my sketch book for me. 

"Wow these are really good Ari!" He says looking through my sketches and poems. Oh, I hope he doesn't notice the poems on each drawing.

"And you even have poems on all of them! Your really talented!" He says hanging me my book back.

Crap. He noticed. 


Hello! I hope you liked this chapter, I know it doesn't make a lot of sense, but nevermind that lol. Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote and comment! Or you don't have to idk. Have a good day! Or night!


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