This probably won't ever get finished. Sorry. :/

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Crap. He noticed.

Luckily, he was turned to a happier page, where I drew Becky and a poem to describe her, a small project in my art major. I quickly grabbed the notebook out of his hands, not wanting him to see the rest of it. I hastily shoved everything else that fallen back into my backpack and stood up. 

"So is this going to become a regular thing now?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows. 

"Is what going to become a regular thing?" I asked, grateful for the change of topic. 

"You falling and me helping" he laughed. 

"I dunno. Probably, I'm really clumsy, so sorry in advance" I joked.

"Na, don't be, I like it. Your cute when you fall" he teased. I could feel heat rising into my checks so I was grateful when my phone started ringing. It was Hazel, a short, sassy Indian girl I had befriended. She could be nice if she wanted and for the most part she was, and I was glad she had a reality check coming every once in a while. I mouthed, 'sorry' to Eli, that he reponded with a small wave and left. I started walking to my car, and got in. (It wasn't far at all)

"Hey, what's up?" I said.

"Eh, not much, just wanted to talk to you and see if you wanted to hang out later?" She asked.

"Sure! That would be great, what time?"

We set up a time and made sure to try  to study a bit.

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