The Year It All Began

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             I was lying on my bed, looking at the ceiling. Zoe and Becky were over, and Zoe was of course, downstairs raiding the kitchen. Becky and I both burst out laughing the second the door clicked shut. When Zoe came back up, she had her hands full of snacks and drinks. Again, Becky and I burst out laughing. "What did I miss?" Zoe said. "Nothi-" I started before I was interrupted by Becky "JEFFERSON!!!!"she said. Pointing at Zoe. I rolled my eyes while Zoe just looked annoyed and slightly confused. "Your still in the Hamilton fandom?" I asked. "Of course!" Becky said looking pleased with herself. "Soo, now that we're free of prison-I mean school, what did you think of high school? Zoe asked, changing the topic. We all knew about how Becky got started on talking about her fandom, she wouldn't stop for hours. "It was a complete hell hole." I replied. "Hate to say it, but I agree. 110%." Replied Becky. She was in the theater club, obviously,  and they weren't exactly popular and praised, like the head girl of school, Jessica. "It was alright" said Zoe. We looked at her as if she grew an extra head. "What?" She said. It was true, Zoe did pretty good in high school. She had a  few boyfriends, and was even on the cheerleading team one year. She has long brown hair, with highlights at the end. Her hair was either straight or in really pretty curls. She has deep green eyes, and a nice skin complexion. I look over at the person I've known since 4th grade. She honestly hasn't changed much. She always was somewhat popular, but always nice and humble. She's just always had a certain charisma. "Nothing" I say, checking the time. For the next few hours we talk and watch movies. After Zoe left, I realized just how much I would miss them. Which was a lot. I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked over to Becky. As long as I've remembered, I've been best friends with Becky. Zoe moved here in 4th grade, and since then we've all been inseparable. But soon we won't see each other as much. Becky had long dirty blonde hair, almost always in curls. She had dark blue eyes, and was tall. She was pretty outgoing, but feircly loyal. We headed up to my room, so she could grab her things. 

        After she had gone too, I flopped down onto my bed. I was so relieved that I was out of that thing they call high school. I got up, and went to my bathroom and took a quick shower. After getting dressed and combing my hair, I looked into the mirror.  I was average height, had meduim length brown, almost black hair, that was fairly straight. I had dark brown eyes that I were glad to see where no longer dull. I saw the faint scars that still lined my wrists and observed the little scar by my eyebrow. I sighed. I hated all my imperfections, but there was nothing I could do about it. I climbed into bed and closed my eyes, awaiting tomorrow's mail.

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