part 3

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You pick up the tape and go to your room chuckv goes off to chnage somewhere. You put the tape next to your tape player. You change into somthing more comfortable for bed and lay down closing your eyes.
Few hours later
You wake up but feel somthing landing on your chest you see it was chuckv. You groan and look at the time it was 3:21 in the morning
Chuckv: "did you think you can sleep with out me (y/n)?"  You look at her "I gave you your own room"
Chuckv: "too bad" she gets comfortable and falls asleep on your bed you try to fall asleep but couldn't. You sigh and get up gabbing the tape and leaves the room since chuckv fell back asleep right away. You walk to your movie room and takes out a old t.v. that can play tapes you put the tape in and watches it. It was just a whole lot of wierrd scary stuff. You sit there when it's over a bit freaked out. You jump when you hear the phone ring. You go and answer it but a wierd voice tells you somthing about only having seven days. You dropped the phone and hanged up thinking it must just be some prank. You go to a guest room and decided to sleep there. You lay down falling asleep.
Next day
You wake up it was way later then you thought it was like five in the afternoon. You groan and change into day clothes since it was hot you just wore shorts and a grey shirt putting your hair back. You sit down on the couch then remembered about chuckv. You walk around and see that she's not around you finally find a note.
Note- dear little (y/n) I went somewhere I'll be back later tonight problay late rember your mine so don't leave.
You sigh this crazy doll is gonna kill me you think. You need somthing to pass the time. You get up and go to your movie room just watching random movies a few hours pass and you hear the doorbell ring. The air felt cold as you walk to the door and slowly open it hearing it creek. You then see a very tall girl standing there she was big and looked strong but more importantly she had a brown bag you then notice shes wearing a mask that looks like its made out of real skin. She shoves you into the bag before you can run away. You scream as you feel her walk somewhere carrying you. Finally your put down still in the bag you hear the a engine start and you sit there scared and trying to get out. After what seems like hours the car stops and the engine is turned off. You finally see the sack open and your dropped onto a chair.

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