part 2

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Before you could head into the dinning room you were pulled to the side by your grandma. "Come here honey. I need to talk to you before I talk to anyone else." You looked at her with worried eyes.

"Yeah, is something wrong?" You asked as the both of you sat down. "Actually... yeah. Y/N, I'm sick. Have been for a while now. No body knew except yoongi." You couldn't believe what was coming out of your grandmas mouth. "Why didn't you tell me? I could've helped you through it." You were overwhelmed with emotions.

"I didn't want to worry you. You were so happy when you got accepted into college and moved into a dorm. I didn't want to tell you then." She said as she caressed your hand. "You've been sick for a couple of months?!" You whispered yelled.

"Yes... I just couldn't bring myself to tell you. I'm sorry Y/N. I wanted to tell you before the others." Then it hit you.

Grandma was having this dinner party to announce she's sick.

All you could do was nod your head. "Thank you for understanding." She hugged you then left to where everyone else was. You didn't even have the chance to ask how long she had.

It had been a week after the party. Now your whole family knew that Grandma was sick.

You were currently on your way there as you wanted to visit again. You finally arrived and pulled up to the parking lot and parked. Grabbing your purse, you got out of the car and locked it. You walked up to the door and unlocked it.

Your grandma had given you a spare key just in case she went on last minute business trips and she needed you to accompany yoongi.

"Grandma! Yoongi! I'm here!" You announced but there was no reply. You hummed and put your belongings down. Yoongi is probably asleep. You thought. You headed upstairs and to his room.

Knocking a bit, you entered when you got a grumble back. "Hey yoongs where's grandma?" You asked as you laid next to him. He looked at you then replied. "She said she would be out in the back gardening." You nodded in response.

"Enough about her, how have you been?" He asked. You noticed his ears lift up a bit in curiosity. "I've been good. Could be better but you know." Yoongi nodded in acknowledgment. You sat up at patted his head. "Well I'll be in the back if you need me okay? Now get more rest." You got up and walked towards his bedroom door.

"You don't have to tell me twice." With that you turned off his light and closed his door. You made your way down the stairs and to the backyard. "Grandma, yoongi told me you were here!" You yelled. There was no response so you walked further into the back yard.

Looking around the entire backyard, your grandma was nowhere to be found. "Where could she have gone?" You spoke to yourself. That's when you saw the back door open. You walked towards it and found that it was a path. You followed it until it led you to a main road.

You remembered this road. This was the same road where your grandpa had been shot. You quickly looked around. When you did, you found your grandma on the ground. "Grandma!!" You rushed to her.

Her body was limp and pale. You felt her pulse. Nothing. Tears welled up in your eyes and you sobbed as you held onto her lifeless body. "How could you just leave just like that? I should've been there with you! Grandma." You sobbed even harder.

"She will be missed dearly. We were sad to hear the news the day of her death. It was devastating to receive a phone call from my niece. I hope my mother will rest in piece. Thank you all for coming." Your aunt finished off by whipping her 'tears'.

You didn't have the energy to roll your eyes. Everyone could tell that she wasn't sincere. Your mother slightly scoffed at her sister then turned her focus to you. "Y/N, are you okay? I know you were close to my mom." You nodded your head not trusting your voice.

Yoongi was on your lap. Although in cat form, he still did his best to comfort you. He would nuzzle his head into your tummy and would meow, softly, ever so often. As you did your best to comfort each other, the both of you sat there in silence. People would walk past you and your family and say their condolences.

At the end of the ceremony it was time to bury your grandma. Each family member threw a white flower onto her coffin before she was buried.

That night after the funeral you decided to spend the night with Yoongi in your grandmas house. The both of you laid restless on Yoongi's bed. "Y/N?" Yoongi calles your name softly, so softly that you barely caught it.

"Yes Yoongi?" You turned your head to come face to face with Yoongis button nose. Trailing your eyes up his face to meet his eyes that were already watching you, you gave him a small smile.

"Is it okay if we cuddle?" You knew that that wasn't the question he truly wanted to ask. But you nodded anyways. "Of course, you don't have to ask. You know that." That was all it took for him to scoot closer and pull your face towards his chest.

Heat radiated off of his body and warmed you up. You sighed in content. "Good night Yoongi." "Good night Y/N."

It was the day after the funeral when you got a call from your grandmas lawyer. She had told you that your grandma left a will and needed you present.

You hung up after she told you the time and address to meet at. The call had woken you up, but Yoongi was still sound asleep. You turned your head to look at your cat friend.

He looked so peaceful asleep. It warmed your heart, so you decided against waking him up. Instead, you untangled yourself from his tight grip and headed downstairs.

Deciding on making pancakes, bacon, and hash browns, you got to work.

After almost an hour later, you finally finished making breakfast. You smiled contently at your creation. Right on que, Yoongi walked in rubbing his eyes while sniffing the air.

"Mmm, smells delicious." He hummed in content. You clasp your hands together. "Good morning sleepy head. Let's take a seat and eat." Yoongi mumbled a 'morning' and sat down.

One bite into the pancakes and he was a purring mess. You simply laughed and continued eating. After breakfast the two of you cleaned up. You turned to tell Yoongi about the phone call you had earlier, but when your eyes met his, he gave you his signature gummy smile.

You cooed at how cute he was, so you went in to squeeze his cheeks. "Awe Yoongi, you're so cute!" He huffed and puffed out his cheeks in response. "Thought you were a cat Yoongi, not a big bad wolf." You snickered.

Before you could move, Yoongi charged at you with a bone crushing hug lifting you off the ground. "Yoongi!" You squealed, but laughed. "Shut up. You haven't seen my full potential missy." He said then stuck out his tongue at you.

When he finally put you down, you decided to tell him about the call. "So this morning I got a call from grandmas lawyer." You could see Yoongi tense up. Petting him a bit, you continued. "She said I have to go in at 10am so she can announce the will to the family. I was wondering if you wanted to come?"

Yoongi looked at you in thought. Then nodded his head. "Of course I want to go." You smiled and started to head up stairs. "Alright then, let's start to get ready."

Hey guys! I know it's been a while. Sorry!! But here's a new chapter.

Also, I wanted to ask if you guys want smut in the future? Or no?

Please let me know! I'm okay with either.

I hope you enjoyed!!

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