part 4

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You were awaken by the sound of the doorbell being rung multiple times. Rolling over to your side and covering your head with your pillow, you grunted. "Who would be here at this hour?" You asked no one in particular.

Hearing the doorbell go off one last time, you pulled yourself out of bed and headed downstairs. Not caring how you looked early in the morning, you opened the door.

"Can I help you?" You asked before you were met with a pair of brown eyes. It was a young man, or hybrid rather, who eagerly stood in front of you.

"Uhm, yes! Hi, my name is Kim Taehyung!" The dog hybrid introduced himself. The shock of hearing that name could be clearly seen on your face. "You're taehyung?!"

~the day before~
"(Y/N)! Wait." You looked back at her quizzically. "Yes Ms. L?" She gave you a soft smile.

"Please have a seat. I'd like to go over the items your grandma left you." Curious as to what more she had to say you sat back down. She looked between you and Yoongi.

"I knew your grandmother really well (Y/N). She told me everything. She also told me about Yoongi." At the mention of Yoongi, the both of you turned to look at her astonished.

"So you know?" You asked curiously. She gave you a small smile. "Yes, she informed me. Therefore, if you don't mind of course, if Yoongi could wait outside while I talk to you."

At that Yoongi looked up at you then jumped off your lap. He transformed into his human self and huffed. "Why do I have to wait outside?" He asked. Ms. L gave him a smile, as if understanding why he didn't want to leave you alone.

"I have to inform her on something confidential that should only be between her and I." She stated. Yoongi was about to protest but you cut him off. "Yoongi, I'll be fine." Looking up at him, you gave him a smile.

He hesitated before leaving. Now it was just the two of you. "Alright (Y/N), there was more on the list of what your grandma left you." You were beyond confused as to what more there could be.

"She's left you with another hybrid."

This statement left you agape. "W-what?" Was all you could say.

Now you're sitting across the very hybrid that your grandma kept hidden from you. "Eh-hem, would you like something to drink or eat?" You asked awkwardly. The hybrid–well Taehyung– simply smiled and nodded.

You got up immediately and headed for the kitchen. A couple of minutes later and you're bringing out some water and cookies. "Here you go." You set the plate and cup down.

He thanked you and the both of you continued to sit in silence. You looked at the staircase to see if Yoongi was awake yet, but to no avail.

"I'm assuming you know?" Taehyung spoke. His voice sent chills down your spine. "Yes–uhm–yes I do. I didn't expect to meet you for the first time at my doorstep." You scratched the back of your head.

He laughed nervously. "Neither did I, but I wanted to see who you were. The infamous (Y/N)." You gave Taehyung a quizzical look. "How do you know my name?"

"Oh right, your grandma talked a lot about you." He replied. You were about to say something when you heard a hiss come from the staircase. The both of you turned to look at who made the noise. It was none other than Yoongi.

Standing up and Taehyung following suit, you say something. "Oh Yoongi, you're awake. This is–" You're cut off by Yoongi rushing towards you. He stands by your side and puts an arm around your shoulders while puffing out his chest.

His eyes are trained on the dog hybrid across from him. You notice the tension in the air. Both hybrids are alarmed. You also noticed that Taehyung's tail stopped wagging when Yoongi came closer.

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