part 5

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It was the first day of Taehyung officially staying with you and Yoongi. You were ecstatic while Yoongi on the other hand not so much. You noticed he was having trouble with Taehyung's scent being all over the house so you tried to comfort him.

One thing you took into account was the new habit Yoongi had begun doing. Every time he'd see Taehyung scent something in the house he'd come back later to mark it with his scent. The only place Tae had yet to scent mark was your room and Yoongi's room.

Faint music played in the background as you cleaned the kitchen when suddenly you heard a loud growl emit from upstairs. Quickly setting down the cloth you rushed over to where the growl came from. There were more growls followed by thuds, hearing that only made you run up the stairs faster.

You stopped in front of Yoongi's room. Looking into the room, you were met with two hybrids fighting each other. "Don't ever try to scent MY room!!" Yoongi shouted at Taehyung while punching him on the shoulder. Taehyung responded with a growl and threw a punch at Yoongi as well.

Snapping out of it you quickly went into action. Cautiously walking into the the room you decided to make your presence known. "Guys! Please calm down!" You said as you shimmied around them careful not to get too close.

Both Taehyung and Yoongi looked at you as if you had grown three heads then continued their fight. You huffed then heard Yoongi say something. "I bet you already scented (Y/N)'s room huh? You aren't respecting our privacy!" Yoongi growled.

"You of all people should know I can't help it! Besides, it smells better now. Your scent was all over her room and it reeked!" Taehyung responded. At this point both of them were rolling on the floor trying to hit one another.

You tried to get them to stop again but to no avail. You opted to the only option you had if you didn't want to loose an arm. Having the perfect object to do the job, you quickly ran to your room to grab it.

When you came back, you held the blow horn in one of your hands and covered one of your ears with the other. You blew it and out came the loud noise. This shocked the hybrids and made them freeze in place completely.

Although they stopped, you blew it again for good measure. Since they had overly sensitive ears they grasped ahold of them and groaned. "Ow! Why'd you have to honk it again?!" Yoongi whined. You sighed of exhaustion. Now that you finally made them stop and had their attention you glared at the two men sitting on the floor in front of you while rubbing their ears.

"Both of you! Living room, NOW!" You shouted half-heartedly furious. Without a second thought both of them rushed out of Yoongi's room and down the stairs. You flipped the blow horn and blew at the end of it like you had just fired a gun.

After putting away the horn you headed downstairs. Taehyung and Yoongi sat a good distance away from each other quietly. They sat up when they heard your footsteps. You reached them and stood in front of them. Crossing your arms and tapping your foot impatiently, you sighed for the hundredth time.

"What was that all about? I want answers." You said sternly. You got the jist of what they were fighting about but you wanted the full story. They just looked at you sheepishly. Yoongi was the first to speak up. Before he spoke, he clicked his tongue.

"Well you see, Taehyung had the audacity to come into MY room and scent MY stuff with his stinky odor." After Yoongi stated his side of the story Taehyung hopped off the couch and ran over to you. "(Y/NNNNN)." Tae whined as he picked you up and hugged you.

Boy was he touchy and needy.

He rubbed his face into your neck and looked at you with his puppy dog eyes and pouty lips. You couldn't help but melt away at his cuteness. Suddenly you were yanked away from Tae's grip and placed back on the floor. "This is what I'm talking about! He has no boundaries!" Yoongi huffed while looking at you and pointing at Taehyung.

"Say it to my face!" Tae said while crossing his arms. Yoongi turned and faced him. "You. Have. No. Boundaries." He said and stuck out his tongue. "And I thought I was the younger one." Tae mumbled. You rolled your eyes at how childish they were being. "Children! Stop arguing. Do I need to get the horn again?" You threatened them.

Their ears fell back at the mention of the blow horn. They both went back to sitting on the couch. "No, come here. The both of you." You motioned your hand at them to come closer. Once they reached your side you whacked the back of their heads.

"Ow!" The two hybrids said in unison. "That's what you guys get for not being nice to each other. Now make up." You grabbed their wrists and put them face to face then stepped back. "Now apologize. The both of you."

They both mumbled a sorry. You rolled your eyes. "That was a half ass sorry you guys. Come on, it's not that hard." You stated. Taehyung eyed Yoongi then sighed. "Since it seems like you're not going to apologize first, I'll apologize then. Sorry for scenting your things without permission. I can't help it." Tae said while scratching the back of his head.

Yoongi clicked his tongue and spoke up. "I get it. I'll try and be more understanding next time. Also, sorry for hitting and yelling at you as well. Truce?" He held out his hand for Tae to take. "Truce." They both shook hands.

"Yay! That's progress. I have a solution. Anytime you guys are mad at each other, just hold hands." Their heads snapped towards you. "Huh?!" They said in unison. "I don't want to hold his hand!" Yoongi protested. "Now now, that's the deal. I don't want any fighting in this house. I guess it applies to me as well. So if either of you are mad at me or we argue, we have to hold hands."

As soon as you finished your sentence both Yoongi and Taehyung rushed to your side and held your hands. You couldn't help but laugh. "I guess you guys are mad at me."

•later that day•
After all the ruckus that happened in morning, you went up to your room to relax. It was your lazy day so you scrolled through social media or watched some videos.

Since you had been laying down for an hour now you decided to stretch. Getting up, you did your daily stretches. Mid child pose there was a knock on your door. "Come in!" You said still in the pose.

The person cleared his throat and you immediately acknowledged that it was Yoongi. "What can I do for my lil meow meow." As soon as the nickname came out of your mouth, you felt a wack on your back. That caused you to sit up. "Ow! Yoongi what the fuck!"

He smirked at you then held your hand. "What?" You rolled your eyes at him. "I should be asking you that. What do you want?"

•Yoongi pov•
I puckered my lips as my answer. I was of course joking, but what she did did was something I was never expecting.

She kissed my cheek. (Y/N) looked at me. "Happy? Now I'm kind of busy stretching, so if that's all you wanted." She pointed at the door. All I could do was nod my head. I touched the cheek she kissed and stared at her in awe.

"Oh my gosh! Yoongs you're blushing!" She gushed. I snapped out of my trance. "W-what?! No I'm not, s-shut up!" I stammered. (Y/N) smiled at me and poked my cheek. "Awe, it's okay yoongs. We all blush when we're flustered." She then proceeded to pet me.

I couldn't help but pout and huff. "Whatever." I said then walked out of her room closing the door behind me.

Why did I have to jokingly pucker my lips?

I thought then sighed. I walked downstairs to the living room. "What'd she say?" Taehyung asked. "Huh?" I said beyond confused. "Didn't you ask her if we could order some food? Isn't that why you went upstairs? And why are you blushing?"

It dawned on me. "Ahh, yeah. Let's just make something to eat instead." I walked to the kitchen with Taehyung following. "You didn't answer my question on why you're blushing." I waved him away. "That's not important, it's just hot in here. Now, let's start cooking."

Hi guys, here is the update!!

I hope you enjoyed!!! 💗

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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