Chapter 1

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All I hear is the gods speaking. No one else can hear them. And for some reason I'm the only one. Their voices are powerful they keep me up at night and I barely get sleep. But they are scared something is coming and they cant protect us. They keep mentioning 'the chosen one' but I don't know who they mean. There is millions of people that live here and there is one person that they need to save us. Who is it? Who's so important that even the gods need them to protect us? I look over to my alarm clock and it reads 3:47am. Sighing I put my arm over my eyes and I try to ignore the voices that never stop talking. Voices that just dont leave me alone. Somehow I fall asleep when I wake up I look at my clock and it's only 4:23am. I look up at my ceiling I'm not going to get any sleep at this rate. I sit up in my bed and I throw the blankets off of me and I swing by legs over the bed.

Preparing myself to stand up on the worn wood floor. Standing up I lift my arms above my head and I stretch my vision goes black for a few seconds then I put my arms down after my vision goes back to normal. I feel around in my room with the tips of my toes and my fingertips carefully. I try not to trip over anything as I make my way to my bathroom door. Opening the door I feel around the wall for the light swich. I feel a hole then the light switch. I flip it up exposing the poorly done bathroom.

The walls peeling the old wallpaper and the cracked mirror that shows my disgusting appearance. My eyebrows that aren't perfect. My fat nose and the freckles that litter my face. Then my eyes they are the worst. With one being black and the other sliver. A normal human would get surgery or contacts to fix this issue but I don't have the money to get either of those options. I barely have enough money for the room that I have.

I look away from the mirror and I close the door behind me and I get into the somewhat clean shower area that doesn't have a shower curtain. I would get one but I have other things that I need more than a shower curtain. I strip my clothes off and I throw them away from the area of the shower. I start the cold water. It runs down my numb body and I wash my hair with soap. I hear the voices again as they start up again. I've tried everything to drown them out. I've also tried to end my life just so they can stop. But every time no matter what I do I just can't die. I tried hanging myself shot in the head and even hit by a moving train. But nothing killed me. I turn off the water and I step out of the shower area.

Grabing my fraied towel I wrap my body with it and I open my bathroom door to my dark room. I flip the bathroom switch off and I walk through my dark room and I feel around for the flash light on my dresser. I may have a light in my bathroom but the landlord wouldn't let me have one in my room because I couldn't pay the higher rent. Turning the flash light I pull out some clothes that I had found at a thrift store on clearance a few years ago. So they are worn and are threadbare. Grabbing a pair of ripped jeans that have seen better days and a oversize Disney shirt. With the thin body that I have I can barely find any clothes that can fit me perfectly. But that's where my good friends come in. They give me their clothes that they can't wear any more. They are closer to my size then what I get at the thrift store. They are poor like me but They have parents that support them.

They work and so they get a lot more money that I could ever dream of. For as long as I could remember they were always there for me. I pull on the clothes and I look around my room flashing the almost dim flash light around looking for a pair of shoes. I spot a pair of sneakers that are pure black and the same ones that I had spent my last pay check on. I pull them on and I flash the flash light around my room looking for my backpack. I find it by my room.

Grabbing my backpack I open my bedroom door and I quietly go down the hallway that has the same worn wood floors as my room. I pass other rooms and I make my way to the dim lot hallway to the elevator that is probably the only expensive thing on this floor. I wait for the elevator. It's coming from the 50th floor and I know from experience that it's not going to pick me up because the people who live in the higher floors than the 10th have money. The higher the floor the more money you have. With me being on the 2nd floor I barely have money. The 1st floor is just the lobby and the hang out area and food court and a little shopping area for like medicine and all of that. I wait for about 10 minutes before the doors open to my floor. It has one other person in it. I step into the elevator and I hit the 1 on the wall. The other person lifts their head over what they were reading and I notice that the mysterious person is a male. And he looks like he has money. The doors shut and soft music starts to play. I know this song. Well everyone does. Fake Love by BTS. It's by 7 of the gods that live in the clouds.

The elevator starts to descend and the voices start again. But this time I hear them mention one of them in an elevator with a young girl of 16 and her pale white hair. I only know who they are talking about. I turn around to face the man. His eyes go wide with shock.

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