Chapter 6

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I get out of the shower feeling refreshed. I wrap my fraid  towel around my body. The indents on my hands had lessened their redness and my head didn't hurt as much. I open the bathroom door to see 7 guys look my way. I close the bathroom door with a loud slam.
"Althea? You ok?"
" Oh yeah I'm perfectly fine! It's not like there is 7 guys in my room who just somehow got in here! " I yell.
"Good we will be taking our leave then." I hear the door open and then a few seconds later it closes. I wait a bit more before I open the bathroom door. When I do I go to my dresser and I grab a pair of underwear and I dig in my drawers for a pair of sweatpants and a large t-shirt. I put the large t-shirt on before I drop the towel to the ground. After that I pull on my underwear then the comfy sweatpants that I managed to grab at Jungkook's shop. I walk over to my door and I crack it open and all 7 of them were waiting outside of it. I open the door more.I
"I guess you guys can come in if you want to." I leave the door open and I sit on my bed under the blankets. Phone flashlights scan the room.
" How in the world can you see so well in the dark Althea? "He asks.
" What do you mean I can see clearly. "
"Well we cant. You need a light in here or something." I shake my head.
" I don't know what you mean I can see clear as day. " I look straight at Jungkook. I lay down and I pull the blankets over my head. "Well I'm heading to bed. So what you must go home for all I care." Phone lights point at me and then they focus on my hand which is probably red like a ripe tomato .
"What happened to your hand Althea?" Jungkook takes my hand in his and he lightly takes his middle finger and touches the red area.
" Nothing. I'm fine. " I slip my hand from his and I put it under the blankets. I close my eyes and I move to my side so my back is away from them.
All night I could hear them. It was non stop. They talked in their chat room that I only heard last night. They even talked out loud. It was around 12-ish that I had enough so I just walked out of my room and I went down the stairs to the lobby where I found somewhere to sit and pass out in peace.
I was finally relieved that the voices stopped and the talking stopped. I got a good rest. Or so I thought I would until I was woken up by a cleaner shaking me awake.
"Miss we are not a homeless shelter you need to either go somewhere else or we will call the cops." I nod my head and I get up. I slowly make my way up the stairs . When I get to my room the door was unlocked. That woke me up right away. I push the door open slowly. I peek into the room slowly. I don't see anything wrong with my room so I drop my guard. I go to my bed and I try to fall asleep. I wait for 2 hours for sleep to take over my body but it doesn't work. I open my eyes and I look at my alarm and I see that it was only 4am. Sighing I get up out of bed and I take off my oversize t-shirt and I pull on a bra and a tanktop. I grab my sneakers then I open my door and I close the door  behind me.
I make my way to the stairs which I run down. Once I get to the lobby I walk fast to the front door. Once I get out the front door I start to jog. I don't see who's coming inside. I make my way around the building to the back then somehow I make my way to Jungkook's shop. I stop and I take a breather which for some reason I didn't need. So I counted my jog around then I make my way to the building that I first met RM. I stop out in front of it. I look up at the sky and I take in the beautiful sunrise. I take my time because it's a Saturday and there's no school to have to go to. I start to head back once the road starts to become a bit more busier. 
I pass Jungkook's shop and I stop for a second and a bunch of fire trucks pass me. I don't notice what way they are going until I smell it. I look up and a building is up in flames.
I sprint as fast as my thin legs could take me to my building. I already knew I was too late. The whole bottom part of the building was in flames. I fall to my knees not even caring what I fell on. All of my hard work is gone. Everything in that room is gone. More and more people are running out of the bottom of the building. I start coughing as smoke and debris gets blown my way. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up. I saw the last person I wanted to see. I get up off my knees and I shove his hand off of my shoulder. I bolt away from him and the building. I don't pay attention to where I'm going. All I know is to get away from here. I feel a burning fall down my face. I feel the tears fall down painfully down my face. I still don't stop running though. I keep running and running till I thought that I was far enough from the place that I called home which is now just ashes. I sit down on a bench and I pull my knees up to my chest and I hug them night as I let the tears fall.

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