Chapter 2

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The elevator dings and I book it out of the elevator. The person that I just saw was a god. It's only because he was talking about my pale white hair and how he was in the elevator with a 16 year old. I walk out of the lobby. I have the feeling that someone is looking at me. I glance around me and no one is up at 5 in the morning but a few people who are cleaning the floor. I get a few glares from the cleaning crew only knowing they hate my guts for being so dirty and unclean. I hurry out the front door and the feeling lessens but then the voices come back.
I think we found the savior RM I saw her in the elevator and she looked right at me when I mentioned her white hair. What's weird that she has two different color eyes like they said the savior would have.
Are you sure about that Jimin? She just might be a normal teenager girl pulled by your handsomeness.
I'm sure RM she looked right at me and she had shock written all over her face and she bolted and she was looking around like crazy. She must know we are talking about her right now.
If you really thing so Jimin. I guess we will have to keep an eye on her then. The voices stop. I look around nervously. They can't see me right now? Right? I hurry to a bus and I put a dollar in the machine and I press a button with my school's name written on it. I take the seat farthest in the back. I sit down and I look out the window watching everything fly by. We stop and 2 more people come on. I don't pay much attention to them until they sit close to me. I look up and they both are male but they look normal so I look away and I continue looking out the window. We stop and I look up and I notice that it's my stop I get up and I go down the aisle but 4 other huge male figures notice me and they shove me back.
"Hey Saloon look at her! Is she your type?" He says with a evil grin on his face. A badly done purple dyeing job looks over his shoulder and whistles .
"Oh yeah! She's a bit thin but she will do." He pushes forward and grabs my wrist. I try to pull away but it looks like I'm not doing much as his arm is barely moving.
" Let go of me! " I say trying to make myself sound a bit less scared then I already am. I see movement out of the corner of my eye as the other two males go around me blocking my escape routes. I feel my heart race faster and faster. Why isn't anyone doing anything about this? I look around desperately and I try to find the two men that got on after I did. I don't see them. I look at the guys wrist and I notice a tattoo. It wasn't just some normal tattoo though. It was one of the signia of a gang. The gang that everyone is scared of.
The tattoo was one that has a dragon with its body snapped in a circle shooting fire. They say even the gods are scared of them. And to be honest I don't know why. I've met them before and I've taken care of them just not as many and big as these guys are. It's just sad that they had too choose today out of all days.
"You know guys....It's not a great day for me today."
" And why should we care? Oh wait is it because you didn't get your makeup perfect today? " I start to laugh and I put my other hand over my eyes and nose.
"No you idoits. It's because I heard the gods voices talk about me today and then I had to run into you guys...again. But I guess the first time wasn't enough for you." I look through my fingers exposing my black eye. He drops his hand from the grip on my wrist. I drop my hand from my face and I look through my eyelashes and I have the biggest smile on my face. "Get out of my way or should I ask the gods take care of the four of you like they did to the other members?" They start to laugh .
"You can really talk to the gods my ass." My smile leaves my face.
" Yes I can O can hear what they are saying even right now. They are watching you right now. Every move you make how fast your heart is beating right now and how much time you are wasting. "
"Oh really then what are they saying right now?"
" They are saying how much they need a savior for the world. " They start cracking up.I
"Wow little lady you crack me up but sorry little lady we don't need help from those so called gods." Then a white rag was put over my nose and mouth. I try to fight them but consciousness leaves me and blackness appears.
I wake up in a bed with my wrists tied together and my feet tied to opposite sides of the bed. I pull on the rope and it just makes it tighter. I look around the room trying to find an escape route. Finding none I look at my clothes seeing if anything was disturbed.
I try not to let out a scream as I notice that I'm wearing very revealing lingerie. I'm so going to hell after this. I try to pull on the ropes again but they don't budge. The door opens and the guy who was holding my wrist smiles.
"So your up my little princess?"
" Princess my ass! "
"Wow princess has a mouth I guess we will have to fix that." He pulls out a rag and walks over to my head and starts to put it over my mouth. " you know I wasn't going to do this but I guess it's for our own good. We don't want to hear your party mouth as we do what we wish with you. " he lets a smile creep in his face. I pull on the ropes in panic more. "Well it's my turn first. I mean it's only fair I was the one who found you and I was the one to catch you." He pulls out a pocket knife and flips it open. " I'm not much of a woman harmer but your different. You have hurt and killed other people part of our gang before. So it's pay back. The gods that you speak of will understand. " He takes the knife and closed it. He sits on the bed by my feet and slowly slides his hand up my leg.
I breathe harder as he gets up higher on my leg. I close my eyes and I point my head away from him once he past my knee. He goes higher and higher up my leg he stops at the top of my leg. I feel him move from the bottom of the bed and I hear a belt being taken of f then pants falling to the ground. He crawls on top of me.
~after what feels like forever~
The guys stop coming in and all I feel is pain. There is blood all over my body with scars up and down my legs, arms and on my stomach. I feel the fresh cuts bleed and drop down my leg. I feel really dizzy. I hear gunshots but I'm to dizzy and lightheaded to keep my eyes open any longer.

God's In the SkyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin