Chapter 8

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Jimin helps me off the table.
"Althea if you go to the 41th floor that's your room for now. If you press the 2 on the phone I will come up from my room which is the 42nd floor. Ok?" I nod my head. " Me or someone else will also come in every hour just to make sure that you are ok. " I nod my head. He puts his face really close to my ear that I feel his breath on it. "If you want I could stay the night." I never moved faster in my life. I must have gotten weird faces as I booted from where Jimin was and into the elevator pressing the door close button fast. I press 41 on the buttons and the doors close and I feel the elevator take me up. The gravity of the earth pulling me down. The elevator dings and the doors open. I walk out of the elevator and it closes the doors and it goes to the next floor. I look around the room. I had expected it to be stuffed with stuff but it was a very near room. The theme was a teal looking color and a black. I look in the first space and there is a huge living room that has a REALLY nice couch. And on top of that it had a very large tv mounted on the wall. I look around more and there's also a full huge kitchen with a fully stocked wine fridge.
I can't drink being 16 but I guess when the guys come they are probably going to raid it like they say wine is the drink of the gods. The fridge is also fully stocked. The counters are clean and spotless. Pain erupts in my stomach b it it was bearable so I ignore it. I find a small dinning room near the kitchen. Then I find a bar that I have no clue how to work. I explore more and I find a full huge bathroom with a shower and tub. The toilet even has its own room. That's when I find my bedroom. It was at least the size of my room at the apartment building may 3 times the size. I plop myself on the bed and I fall asleep and pain goes away.

~Authors note~
Sry for the VERY short chapter I didn't want to make this go too fast as it already was going.

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