Chapter 1

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It been a week since things started to change again between you and taehyung, he kept telling you to stop talking to him, but you couldn't it was hard for you not to talk to him.

"Just stop it already... before i disappear again... i really mean it."he said coldly

You were too shocked that you couldn't answer back
And after a minute another text message showed up

"And i guess I'm gonne dip and you go enjoy your summer.. last year you had a horrible one.. i tried to make it better for you this year but i don't think it worth it and just stop texting me cause as long as you don't as better i get... and as less worried i feel for someone who isn't worth it" he said

You couldn't control your tears anymore
You broke down crying..
You looked in the mirror infront of you and murmured
Do i still have to wait...?

It all started 5 years ago, when my parents signed me in a new school, everything was new for me new school, friends, teachers and a new me.
It was your fist day at school as you walked in you were surprised because of the bunch of students, everyone was happy greeting each others after the summer break, there was screaming and laughter everywhere that made u smile.

"Aah~ i wish i was with my friends too"you said with a sad tone
Then you felt someone tapping your shoulder, as you turned you were shocked as hell

"Hi.. kim choonhee" your childhood friend said while waving at you

"Oh my gooooood lisaaaa !!" You said and jump on her giving her a hug

"It seems like we will be studying in the same school again, im so excited guurl~"she said and we did a high five

After that it was already 8:00 am and the bell ring made everyone head toward their classroom

"Oh shoot! I still have to go to the administration to tell me where my classroom at"you murmured heading towards the administration

                      ~15 minutes later~
They show you your classroom and ur were ready to walk in, you knocked at the door and open it

"Oh.. come in"the teacher said smiling

"Thank you"you returned the smile back

I found an empty seat since there was alot and sit, the teacher didn't make a lesson since there was only 9 students so she didn't want for the others to miss it

I started talking to one of my classmates she was quite looking like me that made the others think that we are sisters

It was a good start to a new school year
The last bell ring and everyone start packing their bags and went out

I was enjoying my day so far, as i get out of school i said bye to lisa and headed towards my mum, i get in the car and greeted her with a small smile.

"So how was your first day?"mum said

"Actually not as bad as i thought, i enjoyed it, the teachers were nice and kind i have a friend now and i even met lisa again!"you said happily

"Happy to hear that"she said and drove off

~ 1 month later ~
Everything was going good, you made 3 other friends you didn't know that your class was only for new student until they told you that why you get along with them

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