chapter 17

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you slept the whole evening, and woke up at 3 am, it was pitch black everyone one was sleeping so you tried your best not to wake anyone up.o the kitchen and start making pizza.

you went to the living room and start watching your favorite show.

you stayed the whole night watching because you couldn't sleep anymore.

morning has come and your mum found you sitting with your clothes on and your bag at your side eating breakfast.

"you woke up early today.. it not like you at all.." your mum said

"nah it just because i slept too much yesterday that why" you told her

"samuel is sick he won't be going to school" your mum said

"you sure he isn't acting?" you asked her

"no he have fever.." she answered

"okay well i will be going now you can go back and sleep" you told her and grab your bag

"want me to come to pick you up?" she asked you

"no it ok i don't think that i will be home early today i will go to the administration, i really don't want to be in that class" you told her

"ok take care" she said and went to her room

you went to school you saw momo waiting for your at the school entrance.

"good morning !" she greeted you

"morning.." you greeted her back

" what wrong ?"she asked you

"you remind me of tzuyu a lot and that make me sad" you said with a sad tone

"it okay i talked to her yesterday she told me that she will visit us sometimes" she said trying to cheer you up

"let just go to the classroom now"

you two walked up the stairs heading toward your new classroom, it was still early so you thought there wouldn't be a lot of students.

you walked in with momo there were only the" bullies"

wow what a beautiful start for a beautiful day..

"ooh look who is here.. haha.. the chicks are finally here.." one of them said

"let just ignore them" you told her and went an empty seat

"did she just ignore us? what a bitch" a girl said

"hey just calm down we have an entire year to do whatever we want with them hahahah" the boy said and they all start laughing

ok i knew it was going to be the worst year..

it was already 8 am, our classmates start get in the classroom and each one to their seats, there was that girl who glared at you yesterday.

she sat with a girl at the table in front of you, and there was two boys behind you and one of them was your best friend, your childhood best friend.

you and lisa and jimin have know each others for 10 years, you were so close to them both but lisa and jimin weren't that close.

the teacher started his lessons but you could not focus. your were just writing whatever he told you to write.

it was break time you went to the store and came up to the class again, you found that girl still there she was talking to jimin and the other boy along with a girl.

you really wanted to know them especially that girl.

"hi.." you said with a smile.

Jennie's P.O.V

it was break time, and i was talking to namjoon and seulgi about jimin.

namjoon was saying that jimin is a cool guy and really funny that we should try and talk to him.

" then where's he?" seulgi asked

"well he went to his mum she is a teacher here" he answered

"ah ok" i said

we talked for a minutes and then the called jimin came.

"jimin-ah! over here!" namjoon said

"hi" he said with a shy smile

oh my god, he is so cute.

we talked with each other and laughed along, namjoon wasn't lying i mean he is really cool.

" so do you have any friends here in this class?" seulgi asked him

"yeah i do well actually she is my childhood friend we have know each other for 10.." he said with a smile " i think you already know her she is quite popular in this school i mean almost everyone know her"

"really who is she ?" i said curious

"kim choonhee.." he said but suddenly his smile fainted

wow everyone is talking about her..

"hey what wrong?"namjoon asked him

"i mean she is popular but she get bullied a lot and there's a lot of fake rumors about her."he said

wow this choonhee, i really want to be close to her since everyone is talking about her, i really wanted to know who she actually is.

and then she showed up, and she came straight to us. i was surprised at first but then acted normal.

"hi"she greeted us with a smile

"hi" we greeted her back

"i'm sorry to act like that in front of you all, i know i should have been more kind, but things happen and i couldn't control my anger.."she said

Well she is nice, that what it looks like

we talked and I really enjoyed talking to her I mean she doesn't look like the girl they keep talking about, for a first time talking to someone it was quite goo.

and when i kept talking to her even after that break, i knew that we will get close to each other and we will be best friends because i found out that we have a lot of things in common, that what made me sure that we will be having a great friendship.

i was surprised that a girl like her got bullied and they say rumors about her,i bet she is strong. and i like that.

and just in a few minutes of greeting i knew that she got a good personality and she wouldn't such a thing.

and that all of the thing that made up for her wasn't true,and just by the way she talked i knew that she is pure, nice and kind.

and after i got to know her. i am no longer waiting what the bullies were going to do to her.

because now she is my friend and i don't want to see my friend getting bullied.

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