Chapter 11

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You couldn't stop thinking of The scene of sana and that boy kissing in front of you.

You knew that she do things like that but never thought of catching her doing things like that.

"Woah im really shocked"you said as you looked at them

"Yeah i know"momo said and looked at me

"She's a bitch"jungkook said and leanded in the wall

"Yea.." taehyung said and leaned next to me

"Let just forget about what we saw earlier" tzuyu said and leaned next me along with momo

You all stayed in that place just chilling while listening to some music.

After that the rain stopped and you decided to go back home.

"Well see you next week~~ unniie~~"you said wiggling your eyebrows

"Call me that one more time and you're dead"she said with a glare

"Ook ok sorry! I will go now bye everyone ~~"you said waving at them

"Bye~~~"they said waving at you

You went to your house and go straight to your bed.

"Oh my god i miss my bed so much"you said hugging your pillow

"You look like you haven't been laying on it in years"your mum said as she was standing at your door bedroom "come eat your dad will be here soon let eat's together"

"What about sameul?"you asked her

"Oh he won't be here until 6pm"she said

"Okaay kajaaa!"you said and took her hand pulling her towards the dining table

You helped your mum to set the table, and sit.

"So how's school going?"you dad said

"Good"you replied

"What about your grades?"he asked

Oh god here we go again

"Good i guess?"you replied

"Hmm ok"he said and started eating

After that no one said something, you finished your meal and placed it in the sink.

"I will be at my room if you need anything just call me"you said to your parents

With that you went to your room you saw a notification, it was from momo reminding youof the account she asked you to make for her.

"Okaay let do this"you said to yourself

You took your laptop and started doing a new account, it was easy for you because you've made a lot of account.

It took you only 20 minuets to activates it. You called her and give her the e-mail and password .

"Omg thank you soo much choonhee-ya"she said with a happy voice

"Naah no need to thank me"you said

"Hahaha okay so what are you doing"she said

"I m about to go and sleep."you said

"Okaay sleep well!"she said and hang up

You went to sleep, and there you dreamed again about the most thing you fear for.


You really hated sleep only because of nightmares, it was haunting you.

It has always to be a clown running after you down the stairs with a knife in his hands, and at the end you just fall in a huge hole. And whenever you dream about it something bad happen.

You woke up sweating like crazy and with a heavy breath. Trying to get your self together you drunk water.and went straight to the bathroom.

You took off all of your clothes and stepped in the shower.

You let the water hit your body freely relaxing you a little bit. You started you sit slowly on the floor you leaaned your back and rested your head to the wall as water keep faaling right on your head.

"this shit really have to stop."you said

You sat there for almost two hours, you kept on thinking about things that you shouldn't think of, everything was scaring you at that moment.

"Why does it have to be always a clown.."you mumbled as you stood up

You washed your hair and stepped out of the shower. You wrap a towel around your body. And took one for your hair.

You wore your pj and started drying your hair with the towel. And an idea got in your head.

You opened your laptop and start searching on google.

How to get rides of your fear

You always though that the best way to get ride of your fear was whenever you remembered it or saw a clown was just to think of a funny thing right away or just start thinking of something else.

But the thing was to get ride of your fear.

Was to face it..

"Like the fuck how can i face my fear, i can't even look at them without having a heart attack"you said to yourself "maybe i think i will give it a try"

Days passed and nothing happened, you were quite surprised that nothing happens and everything were going good.

It was Wednesday and you didn't have any class after lunch.

You were sitting with your friends in the school cafeteria.

"Hey who's busy today?"jungkook said looking at the whole group

"Me and mark and jakson actually have extra hours."bambam said with a pout

"And me and momo have an appointment with the dentist."dahyun said

"Then it's only us"jungkook said

"Why, do you have something in mind to do?"you said looking at him

"Yeah there's that new horror movie that i really wanna watch"jungkook said and looked at us

"Really i love horror movies!" Tzuyu said happily

"W-what k-ind of h-hor-ror mov-vie is this?"you said nervous

"You can see when it's on"jungkook said

You gulped at his idea of watching a horror movie, you like watching them it just not the right time because you still terrified because of the dream you had..

Taehyung secretly hold your hands in his big one.

"Don't worry it's ok"he said and stroked your hand with his thumb


To be continued..🖤


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