Chapter Eight

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction. The story I tell about Daryl and Beth is my own invention, and it is not purported, or believed, to be part of the Walking Dead story canon. It is for entertainment only and is not part of the official story line.  


Eyes, dark and mysterious as Night's; but, like Night's own eyes, ready, I thought, to call up the throbbing fires of a million stars. 

-Theodore Watts-Dunton 


Chapter Eight

"Place is empty," Daryl said, his bow resting on his shoulder pointed at heaven. Noises from the trees behind them cut the conversation short. "Come on."  

They made their way back down the hill, stopping only to put down any walkers that got too close. "Found tires tracks headin' north." Daryl stated as they walked. "Five cars. Douchebag's got himself another fuckin' militia. Why these dumb motherfuckers keep falling for his shit is beyond me."  

"No tanks this time?" Glenn asked, sounding nervous.  

Daryl shook his head. "Nah, nothin' like that, but at least one large truck in the convoy- 'bout the size of ours."  

"North? He's relocating, allying with the fucking cult," Abe said. They knew the Governor had had at least one meeting with Garreth - the leader of Terminus. It was reasonable to think that he would want to be in a more protected camp. Even with the walker moat, the cabin was vulnerable without any fences or walls and sitting at the bottom of a wooded valley.  

Daryl trained his bow on a walker that was getting too close. He took it out, and they stopped so he could retrieve his bolt before continuing down the hill.  

The Governor was an extremely manipulative man, skilled at deceiving and using people. Beth knew the Governor's sole motivation for terrorizing the prison, and killing her father, along with so many others, was finding Michonne, so he could torture and kill her. The Governor wanted revenge for the loss of his daughter, and his eye. Beth didn't think the Governor would care that Terminus was a community full of cannibals, as long as they served their purpose - and helped him capture Michonne. If he had an arrangement with the people of Terminus - and anyone even remotely associated with Michonne was being held in the community - the Governor would probably torture them, or worse, to extract information about Michonne.  

"You're pretty quiet, Beth. Are you doing okay?" Glenn said, drawing her out of analyzing what her nemesis' next move would be. 

Beth shot him a weak smile, and crossed her arms over her chest, looking forward at the pair of angel wings several yards ahead. "Just have a lot on my mind, I guess."  

He nodded his understanding. "Hey, we started arguing right after you told us. I never really got the chance to congratulate you two...on the baby."  

"I don't think you congratulate people for things like that anymore." She said, patting her belly.  

He nodded. "You know, honestly, when you first told us, I thought it was kind of irresponsible of you guys to let something like that happen, but since I've had some time to consider it, I think I was wrong to feel that way."  

Beth swallowed. She remembered her own words to Lori; you're pregnant? How could you do that? - Like Lori had committed a crime or something. Glenn wasn't wrong. It was irresponsible. In truth, Beth had never even contemplated the possibility of getting pregnant with everything going on, and now she felt pretty stupid for being so naive. She could blame the hectic schedule what with prepping, training, her inner conflict over the Governor, her concern for Maggie, planning, her special time with Daryl, and thinking about Daryl all the time, but in reality it was just never even something she considered happening. Not until the moment Daryl gave her the test. "Why?" Beth asked, looking over at Glenn.  

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