Chapter Eleven

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction. The story I tell about Daryl and Beth is my own invention, and it is not purported, or believed, to be part of the Walking Dead story canon. It is for entertainment only and is not part of the official story line. 

A/N: Okay, trying here guys, and this was hard after days of trying to ascertain where to go next with this. I can think of no clever quotes to add to this hodgepodge of something that I try to give you as a gift of wonderfulness. Just hope you enjoy the light stuff.  


Chapter Eleven 

"Wait a second," Maggie said, and Beth looked up to see that everyone - within hearing range - was looking at them. "What did you just call each other?"  

"A lot's changed since the prison." Daryl commented. Beth blushed and glanced at her sister. Glenn was squeezing Maggie's hand, his forehead creased with worry.  

Maggie went to stand up, but Glenn pulled her back down. "What are you saying, Daryl?" Maggie asked, her voice raising an octave.  

"Saying I married your sister."  

Maggie made a choking sound. Beth reached over and took her sister's other hand. "There was no ceremony." She held out her hand, displaying the ring, "He made me this."  

Maggie looked down at the ring, her eyes wide, her breaths coming fast. "You're twice her fucking age, you asshole." Maggie screamed.  

Beth felt Daryl tense beside her. "Mags," Beth said, "remember how furious daddy was at you for falling in love with Glenn?" 

Maggie, looking on the verge of hyperventilation, nodded, and squeezed Beth hand. "Course" she admitted, "Course I do."  

"But daddy changed his mind, didn't he?"  

Maggie nodded.  

"He changed his mind because that stuff doesn't matter anymore."  

Maggie sighed, looking defeated. Then her head shot up. "You're not a virgin anymore?"  

Beth felt her face fill with heat as everyone tried to avoid looking at her. She felt a big, hot hand wrap around her little one.  

"That's no one's business but my own." She mumbled.  

She felt Maggie trembling beside her. Perhaps the news was too much for her sister, especially after being locked up in Terminus, and all the excitement of the day. "We will be talking about this later. And how in the world did you learn how to use a samurai sword?"  

Beth just smiled. There was a lot they would need to discuss, including the fact that Maggie was going to be an aunt. Beth decided to save that little tidbit for the safety and privacy of the silo.  


Everyone was assigned a living space. It was crowded, but they would make do. Beth gave up her big room to Rick, Carl, and Judith. It appeared that Michonne planned to share the room with them as well, and Beth couldn't help smiling at that. Rick and Michonne weren't the only new couple. Sasha and Bob seemed pretty friendly with each other, and Carol and Tyreese were openly sharing a room.  

Everyone else was tucked away, and asleep, except for Maggie, Glenn, Daryl and Beth who sat in the common area. "So I want to know everything....e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g." Maggie said, dragging the last word out.  

"I don't think you want to know everything." Daryl told her, reaching his arm around Beth who snuggled in next to him.  

Maggie glared, and Beth squeezed his thigh, letting him know she wanted him to take it easy on Maggie. "How could you let this happen?" She asked, her question was obviously pointed at Daryl, as if Beth had had no say in the matter. "She's just a child."  

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