Chapter Seven

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction. The story I tell about Daryl and Beth is my own invention, and it is not purported, or believed, to be part of the Walking Dead story canon. It is for entertainment only and is not part of the official story line.  


Chapter Seven

They didn't have to go far to find Tara. She was huddled in an administrative office inside the building above the silo. "Prolly tried t' get back in. Didn't know the damn doors lock when you shut 'em." Daryl speculated, as they peered at the girl through the window slit in the office door.  

"I'm going in," Glenn stated.  

"Hold up," Daryl said, as Glenn's hand wrapped around the doorknob. "She might be bit."  

They must have looked funny from the other side of the door, all of them trying to get a look at Tara through the tiny rectangle of glass. "Unless it's somewhere really inconspicuous - I'd say she's clean." Glenn answered, peering through the window.  

"Her clothes aren't ripped anywhere that I can see." Beth noted.  

"Shirts bloody." Daryl pointed out.  

Glenn put his hand out, "Yeah but that could be from killing a walker. How many times did we come in from outside covered in blood?"  

"Like every time," Beth said, "and I should know, I was stuck doin' yawls laundry."  

"We won't know for sure unless we ask her." Glenn said. Daryl chewed on his lip for a minute, before giving a little nod.  

Glenn turned the doorknob, and pushed open the door about a foot. "Tara," he said gently. Tara squeezed herself harder, and started rocking back and forth. Glenn took a step forward, but Rosita put a hand on his shoulder.  

"Why don't you give us a little girl time?"  

"Good idea," he muttered, looking slightly relieved. He held the door open, and Rosi ducked under his arm, and inside the office.  

"Back in a few," Daryl told Beth, gesturing for Abe to join him. They suspected some walker's were trapped in the small warehouse at the rear of the building, judging from the bumps and snarls they heard coming from that direction. 

Abe was in his military fatigues holding his shotgun in his right hand, aimed at the floor, army cap turned backwards. Daryl was dressed in faded blue denim jeans, and a button up black shirt. He wore his jacket, and he was holding the loaded crossbow over his shoulder. "Need some help?" Beth asked.  

Abe gave a throaty laugh. "If we're in need of an assist, Lil' Samurai, you can be sure we'll yell."  

Beth smiled at Abe, and then her eyes found Daryl's. For some reason she felt more bashful around him now, under that scrutinizing dark blue gaze, then she ever had before. Every time she looked at him, she thought about what they'd been doing a few hours earlier, and heat would rush to her cheeks. Beth's body was still sore, but it was a good kind of sore, because it was a testament to their beautiful night together, proof that it had really happened. The archer seemed to read her thoughts because he leaned in, and brushed an awkward kiss against her cheek before stalking off toward the warehouse door. Abe raised his eyebrows at her - behind Daryl's turned back - and then marched off after him. 

Beth went back over to where Glenn was watching Rosi and Tara. "What do you think she was doing up here?" Glenn asked, as they watched Rosita slowly approach the jumble of dark clothes, and dirty brown hair in the corner of the dusty office.  

As Beth studied Tara, the girl glanced up - her eyes fixed on Rosita. Her face was covered in dirt, and tear-smeared streaks, her eyes were puffy and the bags underneath them were darker than they were the day before. There were dried blood spatters on her dirty charcoal grey t-shirt. On the floor, underneath the Tara's propped up legs, laid her assault rifle. Beth noticed a plastic grocery sack on the floor next to Tara. She frowned. "I think, maybe, she's been on a run for something." Beth conjectured, nodding at the sack next to Tara.  

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