Chapter 4

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I'm back again sorry you guys lot of stuff going on mentally so i kinda kicked for a bit lol sorry if this isn't as long as the other chapters

Ayumu's p.o.v

F u c k.

Is this really happening right now? Is my entire life flashing before my eyes right now?
"Eita's-Eita's b-boyfriend..?" I stutter out. Breaking out of my frozen fear, I glance up to see Eita bright blushing face. What's that face for you loser?! That's totally gonna confirm red heads assumption! God, this is it. Mom and Dad, I'll be seeing you soon (;_;).

Looking away maybe even more embarrassed than me, he barely whispers back "..b-boyfriend..? ..well....I-I me-"
"What? Of course not! We're childhood friends ya dummy! He's basically my brother!" I blurt out in a panic. What the hell was he going to say..? Idiot.. I look back at him and he looks disappointed.. a little upset even. Why..? Ah-anyway, that's not what's important right now, right now keeping my identity secret is top priority.
"Ara ara? Childhood friends you say?" Red mocks, as he looks is both up and down, like he's analyzed us. Finally his eyes stop and his lips narrow into a sly smile, "well, guess that checks out... for now." He ushers for bowl cut to head back inside the gym while 'his seniors and mystery boy talk'. Yeesh, It felt like the time I got checked out in middle school. Creepy as hell.
"So, is there anything else you'd like to ask or assume?", i ask, now just annoyed.
"Um, duh, I'd still like to know why you were follow my precious kouhai of course! At first I thought you were a stalker ready to attack, but when I saw how flustered you got when I had called you out, it as as if I ruined I lovely maiden chance at proclaiming her love as a secret admirer, only to then throw your arms into another man, making me think this was a forbidden love affair!? Oh how sorrowful, to gone from heart to another, to shatter ones heart for the sake of their just how cruel can you be mada-!"
"Can it will ya?! Geez, look at you, making your own little story up as you please. How sweet. Look, its nothing like that alright red?"
"Red? Do you mean little ol me 'A•y•u-Chan?'"
"Ew. And yes, you. I don't know your name after all. You never introduced yourself like a proper senpai!" I smile slyly.
"Oh~feisty!" He smiled back.
I giggle in response before reestablishing eye contact with him. "I just transferred to this school today, I mean I guess you could say this district in general. I was just lucky enough to be transferred specifically in goshiki-kun's class, he made such a memorable introduction  you know unlike you... that I couldn't help but be interested I him as a friend. Are you saying you've never been interested in being friends with someone you found fascinating?" Looking down on him, with the same mock as his voice from earlier.
He looks as insulted as he seems to be enjoying this.
"Wow, no manners I see, stalker-kun~ but according to you, I'm not one to talk it seems!" Grinning back at me. Geez, there's something so unnerving about that smile of his.
"The names Tendou Satori, well, it's Tendou-senpai to you of course," sticking his hand out for a shake, "I hope you'll take good care of my kouhai and we can become well acquainted in the future Ayumu-kun~".
I extended my hand and grasp his in a surprisingly firm shake, startling the older male. "Same here senpai," smirking back at him, "and it's Nakanishi to you of course, we're not well acquainted yet, now are we?".
He definitely seems excited now. His eyes are practically bulging out of his head.
"Ohohoho~! How invigorating! How sly of you Nakani- owOWOW!!" Before red could finish his sentence, a stocky figure appeared chopping him on his head. Letting go of his hand in surprise and confusion, I step back and hide behind the now calm Eita.


Such a piercing voice. It resonates so soundly in my head.
He continues.
"What is going on here? Why are you and Semi taking so long to return? Same with you Goshiki." He questions.
"Ehhhhhh? Waktoshi-kun? Sooooorry, I was being a good senpai and making sure our dear future ace isn't getting mixed up in anything bad! We wouldn't want that would we?"
What's with that? It's like Red's tone completely changed from sneering bitch to...respectful..? Carefully peering from behind Eita, I meet the with face belonging to that heavy, rattling voice. And there he was.

Ushijima Wakatoshi.

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