Michael/Calum Imagine

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You were walking out on the field for the start of your soccer practice. 

You got to the team and your coach while they were warming up.

"Hey y/n it's about time you showed up!" The coach shouted and patted you on the back.

"Your shoe's are un-tied." He pointed out.

You bent down in embarrassment to retie it.

"Go on and warm up with Michael and Calum over there y/n." He instructed. You walked over to them while they were kicking a ball back and forth.

Michael kicked it a little too hard and he sent the ball flying and it hit you right in the head. You let out a little yelp and fell to the ground.

Calum and Michael both rushed over to you.

"Y/n are you ok?! I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you! Please forgive me!" Michael pleaded.

Calum bent down beside you and asked you one more time if you were ok.

You just groaned in response. "Dude you might have given her a concussion. Nice work stupid." Calum said. "Get on the other side of her Michael. We'll get her to the bench." Michael nodded and put your right arm around his neck, while Calum did the same with your left. They both carried you to the bench.

Calum sat beside you. "Hey Michael I think I'm gonna sit the game out with y/n. You clearly have the stronger kick anyway."

He looked over at you. "Uh no way Calum. I did this so I should take responsibility for my actions. I'M sitting out with her." Michael replied.

Calum glared at Michael and positioned your head in his lap, stroking your hair. Michael got mad and stomped over to the bench. He put your legs on top of his lap and he took your hand in his and squeezed it tight.

"Whatcha gonna do about it Hood?" Michael smirked.

"You must be forgetting that I have her head and you have her legs, so therefore I can do this." Michael watched in horror as Calum leaned down and met his lips with yours.

He made the kiss last a good 30 seconds before pulling away.

"Calum!! What the hell was that!!?" Michael was mortified.

"I was just doing what I should've done a long time ago Clifford, is that a problem?" Michael squeezed your hand even tighter.

"Yes Calum. Yes it is." Michael took you out of Calum's reach and scooched you down the bench so your head was now in his lap.

He looked at you with a smile on his face before realizing, "Oh wait almost forgot something," He took his fist and punched Calum in the stomach sending him to the ground.

He turned back to you. "You belong with me y/n." Michael kissed you even longer than Calum did.

"The sad part is that you won't remember this when you come back to your senses." A little frown formed on Michael's face.

"I guess my love for you will always be a secret."

Calum finally pulled himself back up. "You better be thankful that she doesn't remember this. The thought of kissing you would give her nightmares." Calum walked away laughing to himself.

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