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"You visit me so often me. Do I know you, sir?"

I keep getting the same response every time I visit her with a bouquet in my hand, but she doesn't mind having me around.

I walk to the nightstand to set the flowers down with the rest of the bouquets before taking a seat beside her.

"There's so many. It almost looks like a flower garden." Cheonsa lightly chuckles in bed and her smile had sent me to venture the skies above.

"Can I ask you something?" My question surprises her a little and she stares at me. "What is it?"

"Do you know EXO?"

"EXO?" She blinks until the name clicks in her head and she claps her hands together. "Ah! They're a boy band!"

My heart was somewhat relieved. "Are you a fan?"

"Of course!" Cheonsa happily answers.

"Do you have a favorite member?"

"Why are you asking me so many questions?" Cheonsa tilts her head at me, almost like a curious puppy.

"I just want to know you better..." I randomly let out, scratching the back of my head.

"Well, I love all nine members including the other three. I do have one favorite member, but..." she pauses, closing her eyes shut. "...I can't remember his face."

Cheonsa thinks even harder until she opens her eyes to stare into mine. "I think his name was Suho."

My heart raced when she mentioned my name. There's still hope.

"Weird, isn't it? I can only remember his name, but not his face." Cheonsa sighs to herself, but I didn't know what to tell her. "Do you think I will meet him?"

At that point, I felt the urge to embrace her and tell her that the person she admires the most is right in front of her eyes. But I know my limit and decided to conceal my feelings for now.

Cheonsa suddenly puts a hand below her left eye to wipe a stream of tears away from her cheek. "What the..." she sniffs, but not knowing why she is tearing up. "Why am I... crying?"

Not long after, I began to feel her pain when she started crying her heart out. It's not because she doesn't remember my face...

...It's because her heart remembers me.

Visiting Cheonsa in the hospital has become part of my daily routine.

The next morning, I've decided to skip practice and held a small bouquet in my hand.

"What's with all the bouquets? Do you have a secret crush on that girl or something?" I hear Sehun sighing from the other side of the dance practice room and everyone else is curious as well.

"So who is this girl?" Baekhyun playfully smirks, elbowing me on the side until I shove him away. "Don't worry about it. You don't even know her."

Before I turn to the door, Kyungsoo suddenly stops me in my tracks when he grabs onto my shoulder. "It's Cheonsa, isn't it?"

I was surprised when her name came out of his mouth, wondering where he had learned that name from. "You know her?"

"OOH! Isn't she the girl who joined our group chat one night!?" Chanyeol blurred out until Chen covered his mouth, but it was already too late since I just heard everything.

"So, what happened to Cheonsa?" Kai was quite concerned about her including everyone else, but I don't have the heart to tell them. Not yet at least.

Kai waved both hands at me when he noticed how hurt I looked. "I-It's okay if you don't want to share it with us. We understand..."

"We hope she's safe and healthy." Kyungsoo adds on.

"Can we come with you?" Yixing joins in.

"Yeah! We promised to meet her in person!" Chanyeol jumps on his feet in excitement. "I want to see her reaction!"

"Let them be." Xiumin cuts him off. "We don't want to get in their way."

"Actually..." I managed to finally speak up and now I have the floor. "She has amnesia."

Their faces turn pale in an instant at the unexpected news and we can almost hear ourselves breath in the silent room.

"You mean... she doesn't remember us?" Baekhyun's voice shrinks and he seems to be in denial. My eyes were telling the truth and everyone else were shocked as well.

"Don't worry. She remembers you all." My words were like a breath of fresh air to them, but I'm the only person who is suffocating.

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