Chapter 1

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*I am not quite sure if Mr  Poe handled the estate of the Quagmire Triplets but if he did we will just say he didnt*

I'm sitting outside the vice principals office, on a bench. Yet again I find myself fiddling with the spyglass. I feel like it's hiding secrets, like my parents hid secrets.

A little while after two other students come into view. I return the spyglass to my pocket and look up. They are approaching me.

"Hello may we sit here" the boy says. He's quite attractive I'll admit

"Hi, and of course you can" I say as I move over. They sit down

"I'm Duncan Quagmire and this is my sister Isadora" the boy, who I know know as Duncan says

"I'm Skyler May Robertson, how do you do" I say sticking my hand out. Duncan shakes it and I swear I feel a little tingle when he does. Isadora shakes my hand as well.

"We are fine" Isadora says

"How long have you been going here" Duncan asks

"Actually I just started today, my parents passed recently, and a banker who is in charge of my estate enrolled me here" I say looking down.

"Oh I'm sorry for your loss" Duncan says putting his hand on my leg (not that in way.... pervs)

"Oh its fine I don't like pity" I say as Duncan removes his hand.

"So you guys look alike, are you twins?" I say. They look a little distressed at what I said

"Triplets actually, our brother Quigley died in the fire that killed our parents" Isadora staits. Looking at her lap.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry, it's just you look alike and there are two of you I just assumed-" I start rambling but I get cut off

"Oh no its fine, you didn't know" Duncan says

"Yea you don't have to worry, we have been referred to as twins many times before" Isadora says

"Wait did you say that your family died in a fire?" I ask

"Yes we did why" Isadora asks

"Its just... my parents died in a fire aswell" I say. Then a girl with red hair wearing a pink dress approach us.

"Hello cakesniffers" she says

"Hello, um who are you?" I ask

"Are you a blittering idiot? Everyone knows that I'm Carmalita Spats" She says

"Oh okay..." Isadora says

"And I'm here to give you a tour, this is vice principal Neros office he's a genius he says I don't have to wear one of those ugly uniforms because I'm too adorable" she says. The Quagmires and I all share a look. Then Carmalita skips away.

"Okay there is no way I'm following her" I say

"Come on Cakesniffers" Carmalita yells. I go to sit down, but Duncan grabs my arm.

"No we are not following her alone, you are coming with us" Isadora says

"Fine" I groan and begin walking, faster then usual because I don't feel like being dragged.

After tour
We are back at vice principal Neros office, right in front of it actually. When Carmalita sticks her hand out.

"Ehemm" she says

"Oh, uhh thank you" Duncan says

"Thank you isn't good enough, everyone knows you're supposed to give your tour guide a tip at the end of the tour" Carmalita spats
(Lol get it)
"A tip" Isadora questions

"Yes a tip are you deff or something cakesniffer" she says then kicks the door with her shoe. It opens like a millisecond later

"Who dare interrupts a genius while he is rehursing" The vice principal yells

"Its the new orphans, who were supposed to be here ten minutes ago, so they are late for there appointment with you" Carmalita says

"Thank you carmalita" nero says. she begins to Tap dance away and vice principal Nero ushers us inside. But before I go in

"Hey Carmalita your tip" I yell. She turns around "don't eat yellow snow" I say. She huffs and walks off and I walk into the office laughing.

"That was funny" Duncan says

"Alright welcome to Prufrock Prepretory School, I'm vice principal Nero, blah blah blah" Nero says

"Hello, I'm Duncan Quagmire and this is my sister Isadora" Duncan says

"And I'm Skyler May Robertson" I add.

"Yes the twins and the loner child" Nero says

"They are Triplets and just because I'm an only child doesn't mean I'm a loner" I say stepping forward.

"Well Twins is what you call Triplets  when one of them burns to a crisp" nero says. I feel like I'm gonna lung at him but Duncan holds me back by putting his arms around my waist. I feel a tingle in run all throughout my body.

"We have dorms here buts seeing as you have no parents therefore the form could not be signed, you three will be staying in a small tin shack"

"I refuse to sleep in a shack" I say.

"Can't you just make an exception" Isadora asks

"No I can not, now Duncan and Skyler you will be studying with Mr. Remora in room one and Isadora you will be with Mrs. Bass in room two" nero says

"Anything else?" Duncan asks

"No now get out, a genius needs his rehearsal time" Nero says. We all walk out and Duncan let's go of my waist.

"Well I guess we should go to our shack" Isadora says Duncan and I nod and we begin walking outside to our shack

An Unfortunate Love Story | Duncan Quagmire AsoueHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin