Chapter 3

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Once The Quagmire's drag me to the shack, I almost immediately fall on my bale of hay that is my currently my bed. I never thought I'd be capable of something like like that. I never used to be violent. I guess death does that to people.

" Skyler are you alright" Duncan asks

"Yeah Duncan, I'm fine. Better actually" I say

"You sure, your hand looks pretty bruised" Isadora says

"I'm fine Isadora, I promise" I say

"Okay, just making sure" She says


That night, I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned, no comfort found no matter how I lay. I get up and grab my hoodie that I wore the day of the fire. I open the door of the shack quietly and step outside. Greeted by the darkness and the night sky. I lay in the grass by the shack and look at the stars. Looking at all the constellations; something my dad taught me to do when I couldn't sleep. It makes me feel as if I'm at home, even though I no longer have one.

"Sky?" Duncan says, from the corner of the shack. I sit up.

"Oh, hey Duncan" I say, Duncan sits beside me.

"Are you okay, I saw you get up and walk out of the shack" Duncan says

"I couldn't sleep, to much going on in my head I guess" I say

"WIll talking about it help? Because if so I'm all ears" He says. I give him a small smile.

"I guess...... I just miss my parents, they've always been there for me and now they're g-gone and" Tears start rolling down my face "I regret not telling them I love them everyday, I regret yell at them that I h-h-hate them I got mad at them, I j-just regret a lot of things" tears are full on streaming now my face now, I guess I just never got to cry for my parents. Duncan wraps his arms around me in a tight hug. I cry into his shoulder as he runs his hand up and down my back.

In Duncan's arms... I feel safe. Like he is protecting me. Why? I don't know, but I enjoy it, and I miss his presence the second he pulls away. He looks me in the eyes and they are filled with concern. Like he cares about me.

"Are you okay?" Duncan asks. I nod

"I'm okay" I say. He gets up and Grabs my hand.

"Come on, lets go bed. we have class tomorrow" he says. Duncan helps me stand and wraps his arm around my waste and walks me back in the shack. Duncan helps me lay down and puts the thin blanket over my body. He kisses the top of my head lightly before getting under his blanket himself.

"Goodnight Skyler" Duncan says

"Night Duncan" I say, finally falling asleep


The next morning, my brain immediately turns to the memory of last night. Not being able to sleep, looking at the stars, Duncan coming to check on my, the hug, him kissing my forehead. It all came back almost instantly.

My thoughts are interrupted by the door opening. It's Carmalita.

"What do you want Carmalita" Isadora asks. Then She starts singing

"Vice Principle Nero wants to see you right away, because he's very mad at you today, I'm the cutest girl in town, and my name is Carmalita" she sings then poses stupidly

"That doesn't rhyme, songs have to rhyme" Isadora says. She huffs and stomps away, the Quagmires and I finish getting ready then walk to Vice Principle Nero's office. I knock on the door nervously.  Duncan must tell I'm nervous because he grabs my hand and squeezes it. I squeeze back as he opens the door.

"Ahhh, loner orphan and twins orphans" Nero says

"Look we have classes to get to just tell us what you need to tell us and we'll be on our way" I say

"Oh those two can go to class, I only need to talk to you" Nero says,  Duncan lets go of my hand and I give the Quagmires a small smile before walking into Nero's office. I sit in a plastic chair in front of his desk and he sits in his chair. This is going to be an interesting conversation.

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