Chapter 4

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"So I have been informed that you struck another student in the face, is this true Ms. Robertson?" Nero asks.

"Yes sir" I say.

"And why, might I ask, did you do this?" He asks.

"Simple" I say "She was harassing me and my friends, I told her to stop and she didn't, so I beat the shit out of her. Which to be honest, I didn't think I had in me"

"And what gives you the right to do this?" He asks.

"It was in self defense" I say

"She didn't do anything to harm you so it was not in self defense" Nero says.

"With all due respect sir-" he cuts me off.

"No, if you step another toe out of line, you will be expelled! Do you understand?" He says.

"Yes" I say simply.

"Good. Now get out, I have rehearsal" he says. I get up out if the chair and make a point to slam the door on the way out.

"Skylar!  What happened?" The triplets ask in unison.

"Nothing! He just says that if it happens again I am getting expelled" I say.

"He can't expel you, it's only your second day!" Isadora says.

"Actually he can, and it is only if it happens again. So for right now I am in the clear" I say. The Quagmire Triplets nod.

Later at lunch, I get my silverware taken away and my hands tied behind my back because I was late to class and in the administration building. Duncan looks at me with sadness in his eyes.

"I can't believe that they would do that to a person!" Isadora exclaims.

"The ropes hurt, they tied them overly tightly" I say. "And I'm really hungry but I don't want to look stupid by eating like a dog"

"I got it" Duncan says. He scoops some mashed potatoes onto his unused spoon and holds it out to me. I offer him a small smile and eat off the spoon. Duncan and Isadora take turns spoon feeding me, until almost all of my food is gone. Once I show the person that tied my hands that I'm done eating, they untie my hands. My wrists are severely rope burnt. But I pull my sleeves down to avoid Duncan and Isadora seeing the damage. 

"Thank you for helping me guys." I say.

"Well, like our mother always said." Isadora starts.

"What friends are for." Duncan finishes. I smile and wrap my arms around the Quagmire Triplets and we walk to our classes.


Later that evening, we are obligated to go to The Vice Principal's Concert, if you can even call it that. It goes on Six. Freaking. Hours, before we are dismissed.

"If we were in there any longer I swear my ears would have started bleeding." I joke as we walk into our shack. The triplets offer a light laugh.

"I wrote a poem about Carmelita Spats," Isadora says, "would you like to hear it?"

"Of course." Duncan and I say.

"I'd rather eat a bowl of vampire bats, than spend an hour with Carmelita Spats" Isadora reads.

"That is really good Isadora" Duncan says.

"It's wonderful Isadora," I say, "that is usually referred to as a couplet, is it not?"

"Usually yes." Isadora says.

"Couplet- two lines of verse, usually in the same meter and joined by rhyme, that form a unit; if I remember that correctly." I say, sitting on my hay bale.

"Perfectly." Duncan smiles.

Hey guys! I know I haven't update in a while. Shit hit the fan in my life. But due to Corona Virus and being off school I'm going to try to update more.

Here is a mini life update:
I'm in my Sophmore year of high school now, I turned 16, my parents split up, my mom got pregnant by another guy, gave birth to my little sister in October, (Who is currently sleeping on my chest btw), and I passed drivers ed. So yeah.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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