using a pull up in grandmas car

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Once when I was 10 we were at a family reunion for most of the evening. I agreed to riding home with my grandma so my mom could fit more stuff in the car. I was tired from helping set up and take down and was falling asleep.

I was woken up at a gas station. My aunt who had my cousins much younger then me still in diapers escorted me to the ladies room of the gas station. She made me take off my shoes pants and boxers. She had me put on a pull-up and let me put my boxers on over it. I had to wait for a couple girls to pee and leave so I could not be seen leaving the ladies room.

She took me back to my grandma and told me "if you have to pee on the ride home it's ok, to just relax and pee in that". My grandma let me sit up front. She got some gas and bought me a large pop for helping her out most of the night.

I made it most of the drive but we were about fifteen minutes from her house when I had to pee really bad. My grandma looked over an saw me squirming trying to hold. We where at a stop light she told me "just relax and pee pee". I started peeing in the pull-up my aunt made me wear. It felt really good to just let go on the pull-up.

When we got to her house she escorted me to her bathroom and insisted on helping me change and putting me in another one.

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