A Halloween to Remember

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Most teens have a sad Halloween when their parents tell them that they're too old for trick or treating and that their Halloween is going to be spent giving out candy at their own door or if they do go out then other moms will start to give them looks as though to say 'really? Can't you see you're too old for this now? Grow up already.'

There is one exception to this, however. If you somehow have a friend who happens to be a witch and also knows how to mix youth potions that can turn you into a kid for the night, you can go trick or treating for as many years as you want. And it just so happened that Ben and Diana were best friends with Tracie, who was a witch.

Tracie and Diana had done regressed themselves for the past two years since they had turned fifteen, but Ben had always distrusted magic. He was a bit of a coward like that and hated trying new things. This year, Diana and Tracie had finally convinced him it was safe.

The potion Tracie mixed was a special age-regression potion that aged them backwards. The more they drank, the more they regressed, and then they had to keep drinking it or else they would begin to age back. The problem was, all that drinking made their kid bladders fill up really quickly and forced them to take potty breaks a lot. So the second year they did it, Tracie and Diana cleverly chose to regress themselves back to about four and a half, just at the tail end of the age where it was socially acceptable to wear pull-ups.

They were able to go for three hours straight the last year, except it had forced Ben to carry a diaper bag around and change his friends several times and then lug around their wet pull-ups. Diana suspected that one of the reasons he had agreed to regress this year was that he didn't want to be on diaper duty again.

Still, Ben had insisted he didn't regress any younger that seven. Diana decided to play the older sibling taking her brother and sister trick or treating while Tracie had decided to go all the way and regress to a two year old toddler. She had spent hours shopping for costumes and matching diapers for them.

"Look at this lion! There's no way I could get something this cute in my size." She gushed to Ben and Diana when they arrived at her house Halloween night at five.

"Great." Ben sighed unenthusiastically

"Shut up." Tracie said throwing a bag at him "I got you a pumpkin costume so be grateful. You're just a big round ball, so it should hide your diapers."

"You know Ben, you might want to go younger." Diana suggested "Seven years old is pretty old to have diapers on. You wouldn't want to attract any attention."

"It'll be dark and I'll just be wearing pull-ups." Ben said "I told you already, I'm not going any younger than seven."

"Even if I promise you it's safe?" Tracie tried and Ben shook his head.

"Whatever." Diana shrugged "What'd you get for me?"

"Well, I was thinking it might be kind of clever if you were a baby." Tracie said, holding up another bag "You can wear real diapers with the costume that way, it's not like anyone can tell if they're wet or not."

"Genius idea." Ben muttered

"Oh don't be such a party pooper." Diana said, taking the bag and looking at the costume "I like it."

"I still don't see why I can't be the twelve year old." Ben said, looking his own the jack-o-lantern

"Because you need to experience Halloween like this at least once." Diana said with a hint of annoyance "If you don't like it, we won't make you do it again, so no more complaining. Deal?"

"Deal." Ben sighed, his face the exact opposite of the jack-o-lantern he was holding

"Good." Tracie said "Now that that's settled, let's go downstairs."

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