Baby daycare

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Life changed for me when I was nine. We just moved from Florida to Washington State because my dad got orders from the Air Force. Right after we moved he got new orders to go overseas for two years. After he left my mom took a job to keep her busy. Her first day for work and my daycare was going to be Monday. Monday we got up late and had to rush to get ready. We arrived at a house that was being used as a daycare and met Ms Rachel. There was a mistake with my application. Ms Rachel explained that the daycare was for babies only. They planned and bought supplies thinking I was a baby. My mom said she'd reimburse them but she really needed to get to her new job. (1st day) Ms Rachel agreed to watch me just for today. My mom thanked her and gave me a kiss and rushed out the door. This is how I started going to baby daycare.

My first day at daycare wasn't going good. Ms Rachel looked at me and said she'd show me around. The main room had six cribs against the walls with small cubical next to them. A changing area was on one small wall and a rocking recliner was in the corner. She showed me one crib and cubical with my name on it. She said normally this is where you and your stuff would go. So I put my jacket in the cubical. I saw a stack of diaper on the shelf near the changing table also with my name on them. Ms Rachel said jokingly that the diapers would fit me since I had a small frame, but I was a big boy. Really this peeked me interest, as I gave the diapers another look. I did bring a book so I sat down and read some as parents dropped off babies. Ms Rachel calls her partner and explained about me and asked her to bring me some stuff to color. I read my book and watched Ms Rachel take care of the babies. I went to the bathroom and Ms Rachel asks me to take a trash bag filled with diapers out the back door to the dumpster. I was glad to help, but when I was walking down the steps I tripped over my shoe laces and landed in a small puddle and skinned the palm up. I threw the diapers away and went inside. Ms Rachel saw my pants all wet and my hand. She took me to the bathroom and started washing my hand as I explained what happened. She put a band-aid on my hand. She asked me to take me pants off since they were wet. Even my undies were wet so they came off to and she dried me with a towel. She picked me up and sat me on the changing table and told me to stay while she checked one of the crying babies. Ms Rachel brought the baby over to the changing table and started to change its diaper. She reached for its diaper from the shelf, but stopped and looked at me then the stack of diapers with my name on it. Ms Rachel continued changing the babies diaper but said to me that she can let me wear a diaper till my cloths are dried. I agreed and after she was done with the baby she returned to the changing table and took a diaper from my stack. She laid me down and removed the towel and proceeded to put a diaper on me. It didn't take her long to powder me and tape the diaper up. Ms Rachel asked if I was ok and I gave a nice smile and happily said yes maam.

As I was feeling my diaper Ms Rachel said she needed to find me to eat unless formula that she bought for me would be ok, I said why not. She helped me into my crib and went and fixed some formula. She can back and said she thought I wouldn't mind if it was in a bottle. I smiled as she held it to my lips that quickly parted taking the nipple into my mouth. She raised the side of my crib. I was hungry but was surprised that the one bottle filled me up. I laid there with sucking on the bottle and I started getting tired so I sat up and wound the mobile hanging over my bed. I watch the cars go round and round and drifted off t o sleep. I awoke to one of the babies crying and opened my eyes to see a lady changing it. I asked where Ms Rachel was and the lady said she stepped out for her lunch and she was Ms Linda. I said oh you're the one who messed up on the application. Ms Linda put the baby back in his crib and gave him his Pacie.


"How so" she asked, she reached on my cubical and pulled out a clip board. I said my name was put on another application and other stuff on the app wasn't right and Ms Rachel only take babies. She looked at me and said looks like you're a baby. In a diaper, crib and an empty bottle of formula you're a baby. I started to cry as I told her my story and she picked me up and told me Ms Rachel told her everything and it will be ok she was just playing with me. She gave me a hug and when she did something happened. I started to pee. I sprung up, with horror on my face and looked at her who now could feel the warmth coming through my diaper. Ms Linda saw what was happening and said it was ok and put me down and she would change me after I finished. Ms Linda checked the other babies as I finished peeing. Ms Rachel came in carrying my clothes. Looking at my wet diaper she said I look like your clothes are done just in time. As Ms Linda changed one of the babies Ms Rachel put my shirt on me and then laid me down in my crib. She got couple wipes from the changing table and untapped my diaper and cleaned me off. She position my underwear's leg hole to go over my feet. I quietly said "Ms Rachel". She replied "yes my dear" in a voice barely over a whisper I asked if I had to wear those.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2019 ⏰

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