Chapter 10

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Author p.o.v

*5 months later*

Hoseok has told Tina that he is actually a police officer but Tina didn't want to tell Hoseok the truth. Eventually Hoseok actually knows the truth but decided to play along with it and wait for Tina want to tell all of her wrongs.

Eventually, both of them are now a couple but Hoseok's friends didn't actually know what their relationship. Hoseok still works as a police officer and needed to finish all of his work regarding Tina but he can't. Tina needs to turn herself in then Hoseok can handle the rest.

After months of waiting for Tina finally, tell Hoseok that she's a killer before she meets Hoseok. Hoseok decided to bring Tina to the police station and explain everything.

Being the protective guy Hoseok is he decided to pay all the debts and mistake that Tina has done and tried to help Tina with all his might. Eventually, the head officer let her go and Hoseok paid all the debts.

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