Chapter 18

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*Please read this! 

Alright. You guys have been so nice to me and this story, that it made me miserable thinking how mean I am not to even update. I really don't know if i'm going to complete this story, but as long as you guys want me to, then yes I will. (: 

PS: This chapter starts from them going into some creepy hotel, if you're confused.

*Thanks for supporting this story! :D <3 x, C.

"This hotel is actually quite creepy." Muttered Zayn, glancing around the creaky old hotel room nervously. His face showed a look of horror, a look almost no one sees for real. 

"Yeah. I mean.. you guys do know we're their only customers right?" Niall squeaked, still remembering the old lady with a small kitten in her hand at the reception centre. She seemed nice, but there was this evil glint in her eye even I could see.

"Why are you guys so worried? It's just a hotel!" Louis sighed, facepalming himself as if our behaviour was out of the ordinary. "Why are you so freaked out?"

"Louis, stop being childish and think!" Liam snapped, furrowing his eyebrows like the usual Daddy Direction he is. "We're in the middle of nowhere, and we can't even ask for any help or anything whatsoever as there is barely any signal!"

"And this hotel is scary! There's no customers, and it's all old-looking." Coralie added in, her lips pressed into a worried, thin line.

Louis huffed, looking away. "Whatever." He muttered under his breath. "But what's worrying going to do?" He finally raised his head, giving everyone an annoyed look. "Worrying isn't going to take us anywhere safe, you know?"

"Worrying gives us good ideas." Harry mumbles absentmindly, rubbing his temples as if he was trying to think of where we were exactly. Honestly, I didn't know either. I've never been here.

Liam stood up from the creaky, old white bed and pointed to the bags on the side. "Get up everyone and pick up your bags. We're going to get some car somehow. This place isn't even safe."

After lots of protesting, Louis finally gave in.


"It's fucking cold." Niall swore under his breath, rubbing his arms up and down as we all impatiently stared at the complete, chilly empty road. 

Coralie smiled sadly and wrapped her arms around Niall, as we waited for any car to pass by. After an awkward silence, Mina finally broke it. "Guys.."


"If we ever do manage to get a car, what are we going to do about this one here?" Mina questions, pointing to the lonely black jeep parked near a car.

"Shit. I don't want it to get hurt.." Louis whined. "Even though it's not mine, i've been to tons of places with this jeep and we've shared some memories, okay?"

"Louis, it doesn't matter about the car!" Claudia snapped. "We're absolutely in the middle of nowhere and you worry about that stupid car?!"


Silence surrounded us as a bright, white light in the distance appeared. We squinted our eyes hardly at the blind light, and without further ado, we were retardedly waving our arms in the air to get the car to come to us.

And sure enough, it stopped right at us.

The car began slowing down, and it stopped right besides Liam. The windows slowly rolled down, and the only thing we could hear was an extremely loud gasp by Claudia. "James! Thank god you're here!"

It doesn't matter who we are. ~Harry Styles.Where stories live. Discover now