The Request

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Oberyn went into the bedroom in a rush. He heard it in the brothel, but still couldn't quite believe it. Though there was no mistake: there was Jocelyn, gloriously naked in his own bed while Alyssa poured her wine. His own little wife had flushed cheeks, surely having had some wine herself.

"What's the meaning of this, Alyssa?" His voiced stormed, he seemed mad. Good, she thought. He should be mad, that was the only reason she was doing that.

"We are only conversing, isn't that it, Jocelyn?" The whore smiled at him, getting up and embracing him in a warm manner, a drunk smile loose on her face. "I went to the brothel you are so fond of. They told me you fancied this girl. I brought her as an apology for our fight."

"Go away." He hastily pushed the prostitute.

"You don't have to be ashamed of me!" Alyssa said teasingly, smiling. She was a little drunk as far as he could see. "Come, show me how you love her! I am curious."

"That's enough." He grabbed Alyssa by the wrist after a guard took the prostitute away.

"You didn't like my gift?" She smiled coyly to him.

"You're being ridiculous!" He screamed in a rage, glaring at her. She wasn't a seahorse nor a dragon. Alyssa Velaryon was a sly, conniving silver snake. "What did you think you were going to do? Humiliate me?"

"Not at all!" She laughed, her eyes fixated on his. Her mouth corners were turned up in a sardonic smile. "Oh, Oberyn, you think I didn't notice? I saw it as soon as I put my eyes on her. You fuck her while you think of me. Isn't that it?" He pushed her away. Alyssa tumbled a little bit, but was unharmed. She kept going, ignoring his reaction. "Asking for a blonde girl, fucking her almost every night!" It was Alyssa's turn to scream, her false humor melting away as she got more and more unnerved. "All while I am here, alone in this bed, rejected by you! And to think she's not all that pretty, although I suppose we would look very similar on our fours..."

"So that's what this is about?" He turned to her, menacingly approaching and tearing open her robe. His hands still held the tore pieces of cloth, keeping her close to him by force. She felt afraid of him for a while, but held his gaze. He wouldn't intimidate her. "You want me to touch you?" To illustrate his point, he groped her body, his hands felt way too strong and her skin became reddish at the points where he touched.

"No!" She pushed him hard. Then, took it back. "I mean, yes! I want an heir! We've been married for two months, now! All you do is sleep, Oberyn. You don't touch me. You don't even try, but you fuck some girl that looks like me! What should I think of this?"

"You should think that I respect you and your young age!" He screamed back. "You are still a girl, you..."

"You don't respect me!" She interrupted him, mad and flushed. "If you did, then you would know that every time my moonblood comes, I am judged incapable of bearing a child. You have no heir, only bastards! I am supposed to give you one rightful heir! That's it! And then you can go around and stick your penis inside whoever you want, how many whores you want. I won't care."

"I was going to wait until you were sixteen, you are too young." He didn't sound mad anymore. She scoffed.

"I can bear a child with fifteen. The maester said so." She walked towards him. "I won't break. I am not a fragile flower, I am of the blood of the dragon."

"I know that." He sighed. "Alyssa, don't you ever pull anything like that again." His voice was firm. She sensed she was in trouble for what she did, but at least he heard her.

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