Chapter 3

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"Honey time for dinner!" My Dad yells from downstairs

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"Honey time for dinner!" My Dad yells from downstairs. I was researching on what the hell happened to me in my dream. I get up, "Coming Dad!" I run downstairs I can smell the burnt meatloaf, burnt food is gross, but as long as my dad been burning food it grows on you. My dad pulls the meatloaf out the oven smoke is everywhere. "Oh honey sorry but the meatloaf is a little burnt." He says. I giggle, "Dad you say that every night, but I love burnt meatloaf!" I sit down. My dad laughs and smiles. We sit down and start to eat, "Very beautiful necklace sweetheart." My Dad says. "Thanks a good friend gave it to me." As I look down at it. "Oh Dad I'm going over to my friend's house after school tomorrow." I said with a smile. "Okay honey, just text me if you need a ride." I smiled at him, "Love you Dad." He looks up and smiles, "Love you too Carrie." He says.
After dinner, I got into the shower and put my pajamas on. I'm wearing my necklace and I fall asleep with no hesitation. I wake up but no up, I sit up fast and look around and I'm in a raft floating in water. Next to me I look up was a boy who was human! He was passed out in the raft too. He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me. "What are you looking at?" He said with attitude. The first thing I did, was jump out of the raft I swam to shore. "Hey where are you going?" He yells. I sprint to a small town it looks abandoned I turned and saw him chasing after me. I run up a old barn building. This boy by the way had black hair and he was white, that's not the point I was being chased. He climbs up the barn, and out of nowhere I jump and I didn't die! I keep running and I run into an abandoned gas station, and I hide. I hear him walk in and say, "Hey! Fuego group we have a visitor!" I freeze, "You think you can hide blondie?" He asked as he dragged me out from behind the shelves. "Hey! What are you doing?" I scream and I struggle to get free. "Showing My people that we have a new member to our family." He says as people started to circle around me. These people were as old as a newborn to a twenty one year old. I look around people started to whisper and gasp. "My people, I found this wondering, confused, useless soul in my raft this morning!" He announced. "Now soul introduce yourself!" I freed myself and cleaned myself, "I'm Carrie and I'm not wondering, confused, or useless." I announced. He rolled his eyes and continued, "Well, Carrie that's a dumb name, I'm River and I'm the leader of the Fuego group and the people we do not talk, do stuff together, or help is the Hielo group!, their leader is the terrible King Gram." He shook his head and left. Everyone started to leave, except three people.
The three humans approach me, "Greetings Carrie." Said one of them. "Hi." I said as I see everyone left. "I'm Lily, and this clover, and Blue." Lily was a girl,was short and had long black hair, Blue was a boy, tall, and had facial hair, and Clover was a five year old girl, with short dirty blond hair, and had big brown eyes. "We are happy that you are here we need your help." Lily said. "With what?" I asked. "To help our group and hielo group make peace." She said as she motions me to follow her. All four of us go outside where the people were talking, making food, little children play soccer. We go inside a little shack that says "Little Bod's Ice Cream" on the front, we all sit down. "Okay, What can I do to make peace?" I asked as we sat down. "The necklace it can help." Clover said pointing to my neck. "That's why Ally gave me this!" I said. "You know Ally?" Asked Blue. "Yeah I met her at school." I said looking at my necklace. "What's School?" Asked Lily. "It's a place where you learn. "That interesting!" Said Blue standing up. "Not really, well I only go because of friends." I said with a smile. "What is Friends?" asked Clover, "Someone who is there for." I said as Clover came Closer to me. "Just like family." Said Blue. "Exactly." I said, I looked down Clover fell asleep in my lap, I smiled.
"Family!Family!Family!" The four of us ran out of the shack to see River telling people to grab weapons, we run over to him, "where were you guys?" Said River, "None of your business." I said, "It is my business!" He argued back. "I'm not in your family!" I yelled, he turned around, "I found you, you are in our family now!, go get some weapons, we're under attacked." He walked away. Suddenly, a cannon ball came out of no where and heading towards us. "Run!" I said. I thought I was done for, then I looked up and saw the ball frozen in the air. "Woah!" Said Lilly looking up. "You're the special one!" Said Blue. "I'm the what?" I asked, "Watch out!!" Yelled Clover. Quickly I dropped the cannon ball and stopped the arrows from hitting the children. Then, the fighting stopped and a person on a horse approached River, everyone crowded with weapons. "I come in peace!" The deep voice yelled. We all ran over I bumped into the front and I was next River, "Really? You were shooting at us you asshole!" Screamed River, "Plus we were planning to kill you King Gram!" Yelled River, "Try! Go ahead you can't and know you can't!" King yelled. "What do you want?" River asked, as he is getting ready to shoot. "A bride, I know who I want and I want the girl who stopped my cannon ball." Announced the king. "Me?" I said in confusion. "Yeah her? Ha! She's ugly!" River said laughing. "Hey! Do I get to leave this place?" I asked. "Yes! And I promise to never mess your people ever again! I'm in love with you... what's your name?" He asked. "I'm Carrie, and you will stop messing with these people?" I asked. "Of course my love." He said. I turn to Clover,Lily, and Blue, "you can't do this Carrie!" Lily said. "It will stop the fighting and plus I don't live her I'll go back home because the fighting is over." I said. "Oh!" Said Blue, "Okay I understand." He said I hugged all of them. "So you're really doing this?" I turned, River said that! I also had a heart attack I couldn't believe it. "Yes, to stop the fighting." I said. "Remember you belong to this family!" He scream whispered to me. "I don't care I'm leaving goodbye Creek." I said leaving. "Yeah whatever, and my name is River." He screamed. "Whatever!" I screamed as I get onto the horse of the King. "Let's go I always want to be queen." I said.

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