Chapter 10

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The weekend is over and my dad is home and Mindy is out of sight she scares me

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The weekend is over and my dad is home and Mindy is out of sight she scares me. I arrived at school and I didn't see my friends again! I look around and I see them in the media center at school. I walk in, "Hey guys!" My friends look up. "Carrie, you have to sign up for this creative writing contest!" Maria yelled as she handed me a flyer. I look at it up and down. "Oh cool! I'll think about it." I Said I walked out of the center, "Hey where are you going!" Shelby yelled. "I have some studying to do!" I yelled as I left the room. I have more important things to do than creative writing contest, I have to find out who killed the king and that cat person. "Ouch!" That was me falling to the ground. "Hey I'm sorry Carrie." I looked up, it was Grady the real boy I like. Next to him was Madie and her minions. "Grady you're so clumsy, it's cute!" Madie said with a fake smile. "Yeah my mom tells me that all the time." He replied. I look at Madie as I got up, "Maybe Grady didn't see you there." Madie said with a grin. "Oh Carrie, you are no one, so people will always bump into you." Madie said as she walked away. Grady left with her, I was going to cry, but I didn't. I shook it off like a big girl, you know big girls don't cry.
I arrived back home, I just wanted to go back to a place where I'm sort of the hero, so I close my eyes. I woke up in the abandoned gas station, I sit up, it was River. "You're up." I turn to him. "Yup, I'm good. What's up?" I asked with a fake smile. "I don't want you to go on this trip over the mountains." River said, my eyes got big. "Why?" I asked. "Because you can get hurt." He said sharping a knife. "What! I have powers, I'm stronger than you!" I yelled. "Carrie, please stay!" He begged. Then, a thought popped into my head and with not thought I said, "You're jealous!" I yelled. "What!" He blurted. "You're jealous, because Noah likes me and you know he'll be on this trip!" I blurted. He shook his head, "Why the hell should I be jealous of Noah, that idiot can't even fight!" He screamed, then he gets close to me, "I just don't like him with you." He says. "Why?" I ask. "You know your lover just died." He said getting closer. "I whispered, "I only knew him for three days." Then, he got close and tried to kiss me, but I dodged. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "Oh come on Carrie!" He yelled. "Sorry! River I don't like you like that!" I yelled. "Oh! So you like shit head Noah, like that!" He screamed. "No." I said he looked at me, "Sorry its none of you guys." Our fight was interfered, "Hey River we're leaving." Said one of the members. "Okay." He said, then he got close to me "We're done, when I get back, you better get out of my town." He whispered then leaves. I look down, he was waiting for me to fight back, but I have no words.
I went looking for Lily, she was Clover. "Lily, I have to go." I Said in an upset voice. "Why?" She asked, "You promised we would play?" Clover said. "Sorry Clover, your leader kicked me out." Lily turned to me, "He did what?" She yelled. "Yeah he didn't get what he wanted." I said as I walked away. "Wait Carrie!" Lily yelled. I didn't turn around. I just left not planning on coming back. I was walking to the jungle to go back home, "Carrie where are you going?" Ally popped out of the trees. "Going home I got kicked out." I Said as I continued to walk. "So you're giving up?" She asked. "If you call it that, then yes." I answered. "You still have to stop her!" She yelled. "No I'm done with this bullshit!" I yelled and then I wake up. I take off the necklace and throw into the drawer. I walked out of my room.
It was bed time, it's been two days since I've been back there. I can't stand River! Now I'm normal and I sleep like a normal person. I'm so tired and I fall asleep, I was dreaming. "Carrie! Carrie!" I look up it was Ally. "You need to go back people are worried and we need your help!" I look around just darkness, "Wait, I took off the necklace, how am I still seeing you?" I asked, "I'm your soul friend I help you defeat your tough times." Ally replied. "I'm not going back!" I yelled. "Carrie, do for your friends, Lily and Blue!" Ally continued. "Even Clover she's worried about you." She goes over to me, "Don't do it for River do it for the people who love you." Ally hands me the necklace, "After this fix the problems in your wake life, okay." I take the necklace and put it on. "Okay I will." I transport to the town. I walk around and I see Lily, "Lily!" I scream. Lily turns, "Carrie!" She gets up and runs over and hugs me. "I thought we will never see you again!" Clover came over with Blue, "Carrie!" Clover came over and hugged me and Blue too! Everyone was happy to see me. "River has be upset The whole time you were gone." Lily said with a smile. "Really?" I asked, I looked over at him sitting alone. "Yeah, when he got back he was looking for you, and I told him you left for good." River comes over, "Hi" He says with a frown. "Hey." I Said. "I just wanted to apologize for acting like a jack ass ." I looked at him and hugged him. I don't if he enjoyed but he hugged me back. "We found a way to get over the mountains, but we need your help." River said. "Okay I'm up to the challenge!" I yelled.

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