Baby Boy (Quince)

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Vincent and I sat lazily on his living room sofa the distant sounds of a TV filled the empty air around us. It was a calm day, one that had began at my house with a mandatory family breakfast which lead to the two of us slipping away to the quietness of his house. His mother, Tony, and brother, Beck, where long gone leaving us alone. I stared at him sidelong so he wouldn't notice, allowing my eyes to trace along his features, I mapped his solemn expression for the millionth time.

His normally bubbling personality, that seemed to ignite when we were together, had faded into the reserved one that built fortresses to keep others at bay. His deep coffee brown eyes glued themselves to the holes in his skinny jeans, his pink lips were drawn in a straight line tight around the edges, his brow was pinched in the middle making him look much older then seventeen. His chest rose and fell in a fast pace the first signs of a panic attack on the horizon, gently a slide across the cushions and placed a soft hand on his upper left thigh.

His eyes darted to my hand, softening. Slowly I worked a my hand in a circle on his leg soothing him.

"It's okay, Baby Boy." I hummed barely a whisper above the TV chatter. His head rose slightly and his breathing evened out, tears pricked at the edge of his eyes but he refused to let them fall. Pride over powered his emotions and he inched towards me, his leg barely touching mine. It was rare to see Vincent like this, it happened when he spent too much time thinking about things he could not control or spent time with his dad. Today it was the latter, making him vulnerable and needy.

"Come here." I coed, "Let me hold you, Baby."

Vincent slipped a jean covered leg over mine and allowed himself to settle into a straddling position over me. To ensure he wouldn't fall I placed my hands on his ass and he melted into me forming perfectly to the curvature of my frame, he was in this moment mine, solely and one hundred percent mine. His face rested gently on my breasts, his tan and tone arms lay curled around his torso protecting himself, my heart broke, I needed to make him feel better so I gently ran a hand up his back a shiver crept down his spine making him giggle and pull away from me.

"There's that pretty smile. You know I hate when you're sad Baby Boy." I coed kissing gently along his neck, causing him to fall farther into his submissive state, his neck was the most sensitive part of him and in the last three years I had learned not to mess with it except for special occasions.

"Do you wanna go upstairs and let me make you feel like a king?" I purred into his ear following the trail of kisses I left on the tan flesh.

"Y-yes, ma'am." He whispered his voice shaking ever so slightly. I nodded patting his ass gently as a sign for him to stand which he did head still down cast. I took his hand and gently guided him up the stairs towards his room. The small space holds a well made bed untouched for the last three days, a desk covered in worn books and guitar picks, next to the bed is a black night stand that houses a small collection of condoms and a very secret vibrator. Admittedly my very attractive boyfriend is bi, though he's never acted on his feelings with even other boys, I think he's too afraid of submitting to someone other then me.

I pull him towards the bed, "Take off those jeans off Baby Boy and lay on the bed please."

He walks slowly towards the queen size bed and removes his black jeans before climbing onto the bed. I smile to myself going into the closest in hopes of finding our special black duffel bag. But to my dismay it's not in the closet I turn back to the boy on the bed, "Vinci? Where is our duffel bag?" I questioned.

"U-under the bed. I had to hide it from, Mom." Vincent informed me shifting to retrieve the bag from under the bed. He lays it on the end of the bed and I can't help but to smile at the sliver sharpie that reads: "VINCENT'S GYM BAG! DO NOT TOUCH!"

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