Chapter 17: Joyeaux Noёl! I Suck At French (Part 2)

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I'm watching Home Alone while my mother is out shopping when the doorbell rings. I open the door and Sophia is standing there, holding gifts. Her grandfather is with her. The one who speaks primarily French. "Hey, Ray!" Sophia says.

"Hey, Sophia! Bonjour, Monsieur! Joyeaux Noёl!" I say in the worst accent ever. Gosh, I suck at French. Even though Sophia taught it to me I still suck. This is why I didn't take it in high school. Sophia's grandfather smiles. 

"Merci, Raymond! Toi aussi! Et s'il vous plaît, appelez-moi Jacques," he says.

I'm standing there with a totally blank look on my face, not knowing what he meant or what to say. 

"He's saying thank you and you too, and to call him Jacques," Sophia says. I smile, embarrassed. I don't know how to reply to him. That's pretty much the extent of my French. 

"Au revoir, Sophia. Joyeaux Noёl! Je t'aime!" Sophia's grandfather says, and kisses her on the cheek. 

"Au revoir, grand-père!" Sophia says. Sophia walks into the house, and sets the gifts down below the Christmas tree.

"Your French wasn't that bad, Ray. I'm proud of you," she says. 

"I still sucked, Sophia. It was pretty bad," I say, with brutal honesty. She laughs.

"Is your mom here?" she asks, while craning her head and looking around. 

"My mother should be back soon. She's out doing some last minute Christmas shopping," I say. 

"That's fine. At least we're alone, except for Randy," she says, with her gaze shifting to the bedrooms. 

"Randy is probably blasting Kanye West through his headphones. I think we're ok," I say, and she looks up to above our heads.

Coincidentally enough, there is mistletoe hanging right above us. "Mistletoe," she says. 

"Don't mind if I do," I say, and I press my lips onto hers. It's not a kiss that's particularly passionate. But I plan on making our night a little bit more romantic. 

Once we stop, she looks up at me. "Best Christmas gift ever," she says. 

"Especially since I got to spend it with you," I say. Sophia smiles and throws herself down on the couch. 

"I'll make some popcorn, and then we can watch Home Alone," I say. As I go to the kitchen to pop a bag of popcorn, I hear Randy come out of his bedroom.

"Hey, Sophia! Merry Christmas!" he says. The tone in which he's saying it sends red flags. It's basically saying, "He wants something. Don't be fooled."

"Merry Christmas, Randy!" she says, totally unfazed. 

"I hope you got me something good for Christmas!" he says. I roll my eyes. "Called it," I mutter under my breath. Randy is that sibling who has no manners whatsoever. 

"Of course I have, don't worry!" Sophia says, with sweetness dripping from her voice. And then she's that person whose patience level is higher than the Burj Khalifa. Randy comes into the kitchen. 

"Popcorn!" he squeals. 

"Yeah right! Make your own bag!" I tell him, and pour the popcorn into a big bowl. Randy shoves me and goes into the pantry to grab a new bag. I go into the living room and sit down. 

"Thank gosh for the popcorn. I'm starving," she says, and grabs some popcorn to stuff in her mouth. She leans on me, with her head resting on my chest. I wrap my arms around her, leaving us both in the most comfortable position ever. Happiness starts to flood over me. This is going to be the best Christmas ever. Sophia lies on my chest for a while, until my mother comes home.

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