Chapter 20: Repayment

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I perk up instantly. The doctor just said there is a chance to save Ray. Gosh, I hope that chance is one that I can take advantage of. Ray's life is of great importance to me. If he loses this battle, then I'll never be the same without him. 

"How so, doctor?" Mrs. Richards asks, with all the hope that she can muster running through her voice. 

"Raymond lost a lot of blood. We have treated his other injuries and that is not our worry. We need two people to donate blood. If we have one person donate blood within several days of each other, he will die. The time limit for donating pints of blood is seven days, and you're allowed to only donate one pint of blood at a time. So, we need two people," the doctor says. I don't want Ray to die. If I have to donate blood, then I will do it. I'm willing to do it. I've done it several times before, so I will do it willingly.

"Mrs. Richards, I am aware that your son and you have the same blood type, which is B-. Your husband and other son cannot donate, as they are both AB+. We need someone that is also B- or is of O blood type," the doctor said.

When she says, "O blood type," a very important memory crosses my mind. My own blood type is O-. My doctor told me that when I got the results of my blood test back. When I remember that piece of information, I know that I have to use it to help him. This is the only way. 

"Doctor?" I ask. The doctor looks at me. 

"What is it, honey?" she asks. 

"I am of O- blood type. I will donate blood to Ray," I say. Mrs. Richards looks at me with a grateful look on her face. Mr. Richards looks like he can't believe it. 

"Sophia, you're going to donate blood?" Mrs. Richards asks. I sigh. 

"If it's for Ray, then I'll do it. I'm willing to do it. I am not going to let him die. I need him. I can't live without him," I say. 

"Let me just check your records to make sure that you are O-" the doctor says, and walks away. I really should be thanking my Italian grandmother right now. She's probably the only other person in our family who has O- blood. I really should be thanking her a million times. Thank you, Nonna. Your blood has allowed me to save my boyfriend.

"Sophia, we don't know how to thank you. We really don't," Mr. Richards says, as she's attempting to crush my ribs again with another hug. 

"You don't have to. Ray would have done the same for me if I had been in this position," I say. The doctor comes back with a happy look on her face. 

"Good news, honey. You are O-. You can donate blood to Raymond." she says. 

"Mrs. Richards, Sophia, we will be ready in room A-124 in five minutes. We will make an announcement when we are ready. You can still go visit Raymond in the room. We'll be done soon." The doctor leaves, and I look inside the room.

Ray is still lying on the bed, in the same peaceful position. He hasn't moved one bit, but his oxygen mask is not on him anymore. My hands push open the door, and I trudge my way inside the room.  I take a deep breath, and sit on the bed. I look down at his hand, and it's bandaged with thick white bandages. I take his hand and hold it gingerly, trying not to grasp too hard. 

"Ray, you don't know the things I would do to keep you alive. I'm going to donate blood for you. I can't bear to lose you. I just can't. I'll be waiting here for you, Ray. I promise. I'll wait until I'm on my deathbed. I won't ever leave you. Please don't leave me. I need you. I need you so much, Ray. Stay strong. Please," I say. 

I lean in and  bring my head closer to his. I can see the cuts on his lips from the glass, which motivates me to handle this with tenderness. Gently, I press my lips onto his in the softest of kisses that I can manage. He of course doesn't budge, and I leave the room.

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