Chapter Two

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Chapter Two to Mim's Horse Life
"Come on now, sweetheart." "Let's go downstairs, and I'll make breakfast." Mim's mother told her, and went downstairs to the kitchen while Mim's mother was holding her hand. The Hawkins family members sat around the table while the father was reading the news papers, mother getting the ingredients to make pancakes and waffles for breakfast, and lastly Mim was playing with her teddies on the floor.

             After breakfast
"Sweetheart we will go shopping before your riding lessons start, for your riding pants and other items for riding." Mim's mother told her right when she was putting her boots on. "Okay, mother, could I also choose the colours of the items?" While standing next to her father and mother while waiting for them to get ready. "Of course!" Mother smiled. Finally, all of the Hawkins family members got ready and went out through the door and walked to the car. "Sweetheart you will have to sit in the kid's chair , alright?" She told her while buckling Mim up. "But, mother! I am 5 years old now! Can't I sit without it?" Mim's face turned into a sad frown. "No, the there's a lot of traffic in the city, and there likely will be police cars there." Mother was sad too.
"Sigh, alright mother." On their way to the horse shop, they did actually see some police cars by. "See , sweetheart?" "There is police cars." ...........
There was silence for a couple of minutes. A few minutes later.
Finally after a long ride to the city they were finally there.
"Mimmy, here we are!"
Mimmy is her real name. But her parents sometimes call her Mim and Mimmy.
All of them went inside the shop and started to look for some items that she will need for her riding lessons.
         Thanks for reading!
Instagram: omqxbear

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