Chapter Six

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Mim and the teacher went to the horse stalls to pick out a horse for Mim."Mim, do you want a pony?" Asked Mim's teacher, named Mina.

Mim replied; "Yes!" Mim was so excited to finally ride a horse. She was jumping up and down. "Mim, let's go to the pony section." Mina said as she was walking towards the ponies.

When they were there, Mim was surprised.

"What colour do you want?" Mina asked Mim. "Is there a black one?" She asked.

"Yes, apparently there is. There are a lot of them." Mina replied the Mim's question.

"How about this one?'' Mina asked as pointing to the small pony. "I love it!'' Mim replied.

"This one it is then." "Name it!" Mim came up with a name called; Glen. Mina led it out of the stall and put on the bridle that the Hawkins family bought for Mim.

Mina led the horse to a room that is a private riding arena that the Hawkins family ordered for 3.300.

Mim's parents followed to the private riding arena. "It's so big!" Sienna and Mikael said, with a wow.

"Mr.Hawkins , do you have a saddle with you?" Mina asked them pleasantly. "Yes, indeed." Mim's father gave Mina the saddle and put it on the pony.

"Do you need a stool?' Mina asked Mim. ''No, mummy, can you lift me up?"

"Okay, sweetheart."  Sienna lifted Mim up and she was on a horse for the  first time!

"Are you ready?" Asked Mim's teacher. "Yes, yes!'' Mim shouted as putting her small hands on the bridle. "Hold on tight on the bridle, alright, Mim?''

"Alright!'' Mim said back. Mim was very excited. She has never ridden a real life horse or pony ever!

"We'll start at walk, alright?" "Okay!'' replied Mim to Mina's question.

So, after a short time, Glen started walking. Then they did trot, canter and last but not least, GALLOP!! "Weepie!'' Mim shouted as she was galloping with the horse.
To be continued ;)❤❤❤

Mim's Horse Life [COMPLETED✔️]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora