Chapter Four

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"Yes! We all have the items that Mim wants!" Everyone replied. As the Hawkins family paid for the items that Mim wants, they went out the sliding doors, to their car. They put all the items in the trunk of the car, the mother buckled Mim up and after got in the front seat and started to drive home to put on the items. On the way back, Mim fell asleep. It was a really really long way back to their big mansion. The father carried Mim to her room. "Sienna, can she sleep for maybe 15 minutes?" "Before her lessons start?" Sienna is Mim's mother name. "Okay, I'll let my little pea sleep !" So, the father carried Mim back to her room and put the covers on her and tool her shoes off and her jacket.
A while later.
Sienna went into Mim's room, and tapped her a bit on the shoulder. "Mim, wake up!" Sienna whispered while tapping on her shoulder. Eventually Mim woke up after Sienna whispered to her. "Mommy?" Mim said with half closed eyes. She was still a bit of sleepy. "Yes, my little unicorn?" Sienna smiled after saying that. "Did I not miss the lessons?" "No, Mim! Of course not! They start at 15:40." Mim was really happy that she didn't miss the lessons. So Mim woke up and went downstairs to the living room and started to play with her teddies on the rug. She played with them for about 15 minutes. Sienna walked into Mim's father office and told him; "Mikael, can you tell Mim to get ready for her riding lessons? I'll come help her in a bit." Sienna told Mikael. "Sure, Sienna I'll do that." "Thanks, Mikael!" She thanked him by giving him a kiss on his cheek. Sienna went to the bathroom to apply her makeup and shower for a short 5minutes. Mikael walked toward Mim and told her; "Mim, go get ready you have 25 minutes." "Okay, daddy!" Mikael could see that she was happy. "Are you happy?" "Yes of course! " "Okay, I'm glad, sweet potato!" So, as said, Mim ran up the stairs as quick as she could. After Mim ran up to her room, Sienna came out the bathroom door, downstairs. "Thanks for telling her. I love you!" Sienna told him by giving him a kiss on the lips. After M went up, Sienna did too.
To be continued!

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