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"Perrie you are doing so good" he says as she had a contraction

Zayn rocked with her until it passed

"They are still apart you wanna walk more or go back to the room and bounce?" he asks her

"I want to get settled in the room" she says to him as they headed back

"Okay and we can turn the lights down and relax a little bit and listen to the babies heart beats too" he says to her

Perrie liked that cause she wanted to get some rest

The nurse came in started the I.V and hooked her up to the monitor to monitor the heartbeats of the babies

"Maddox is here and Luke is here" Perrie says as she was able to feel the boys

Zayn was going to feel the boys cause he could not wait to meet them

"I want to look at the blankets i packed for them" she says as she wanted her bag

"Okay babe" he says as he was going to give her bag

Zayn was going to make his bed so when she slept he would sleep a little bit so he wasn't too tired cause Perrie was going to need him for the labor part which has not came on yet

"Zaynie can i have my pillows and my blanket?" she asks him

"Sure" he says as he was going to flush her pillows and cover her up and get the room cozy for labor

Zayn got the music on and turned the lights down low so the room was tranquil for labor

"I am going to get the labor ball for you babe" he says as he was going to get the labor ball and anything else she wanted that the hospital had for her


Zayn was massaging her back with the tennis balls he brought for her and he was going ot give her a full massage so she was relaxed

"Zayn do you have the electric candles?" she asks him

"Yes babe I will set them up and turn the music over so she can be relaxed cause she was still at a two and they were going to give her pitocin to start the real contractions

Zayn got anything she wanted he wanted to keep her comfortable as she was getting settled and comfy

"Perrie wanna walk now?" he asks her

"Yeah" she says as she was getting her slippers on so they can walk some more and maybe that might bring on real labor

"Easy does it" he says as they walked

Perrie was thankful he was there with her through this whole ordeal

"How you doing babe?' he asks her as they walked the halls

"Good I am starting to feel the contractions now" she tells him

"Wanna walk more?' he asks her

"See if we can walk outside" she asks him

Zayn was going to see if they could walk outside for a little bit

"Perrie you can walk outside for a few hours" he says as he came back into the room 

Perrie got her walking slip on shoes, so she was comfy 

"I got your I.V" he says as he went to where the I.V was

They headed out, so they could speed up labor

"It is a beautiful day out" she says as she sees the sky 

"Yeah, and the boys will get to have days like this" he says as he was walking with her 

"I know i can't wait to take them on walks with the girls" she says to him 

(Much later)

"How you doing?" he asks after they have completed their sixth lap

"Good so far I think i can keep going until i want to go in and head back up to the room" she says as they walked a little more, so they could get labor a little more ahead, so she could get the epidural and get some sleep 

"Okay we can go until sunset then go in" he says as he was walking with her a little more 

Zayn held her as she had a contraction, and when it got to be too much. He got a wheelchair for her since they were close to the entrance of the hospital 

"I think you are close to getting that epidural" he says as he pushed her in and a nurse  had the I.V pole

"I think so too" she says to him as they headed for the elevator


"Okay i need to check you" the nurse tells her once she was on the bed 

Zayn made sure Perrie was covered as the nurse checked her 

"You are at six" she tells Perrie

"I want that epidural" Perrie tells her 

"Okay i will get that set up" the nurse tells her

"Perrie I am so proud of you" he tells her

Perrie smiled at him 

"Now you can rest for the real marathon ahead" he tells her as he was going to get ready for bed

"Yeah, and i can't wait till they are here" she tells him 

"Me either they are going to be worth the weight" he says from the bathroom 

Zayn held her as she was getting the epidural 

"Okay Perrie rest you have earned it" he tells her once the epidural was set up 

Perrie was asleep a few minutes later

"I think i should check on the girls" he says as he was checking his phone for updates 

Zayn texted the others to let them know the boys were on their way      

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