Your Experience, or Inexperience, with Magic (C)

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Charming: You possess strong dark magic. It was gained through dark paths you've taken in your past - the same paths and behavior you've turned your back on.

Killian Jones: You can wield magic and you're very powerful with it, though the source of your powers is a small coin that has been passed down through your family by means of the firstborn.

Sheriff Graham: You aren't for or against magic, but you can't use it without the aid of an item that's magical on it's own, same as any other unmagical person. Even though you don't have magic, you're very skilled with a pistol.

Will Scarlet: You are largely against magic after you've seen the effect it can have on people. Will respects this, but he still uses magic to get to and from Wonderland, occasionally taking you with him.

Rumpelstiltskin (Mr. Gold): You are a user of magic but ironically, it's light magic. The clash between your magic and Gold's is an accurate representation of the clash you sometimes have in your relationship.

Henry Mills: You have an odd magic that centers around emotion (both yours and others'). It's hard to control and use, but you've gained control over time.

Neal Cassidy: As much as you'd like to, you don't have any more magic than the average person. You are greatly fascinated by it, but Neal can't help warning you of the dangers magic can have, whether or not the danger is to the wielder or bystander.

August: You can't wield magic, and you don't see what the big deal about it is either. The only use for magic that you believe is reasonable is for protection or helping others.

Robin Hood: You are an active user of dark magic. You don't care about the effects it is said to have on a person's heart. The only person who can get through to you and keep you from destroying the world is Robin, and he often does so.

Jefferson: You have very minimal magic, though it is very useful and makes many people wary. You have the ability to see anywhere and anytime - whether the past, present, future, or a different dimension - without needing anything more than the will to do so. Jefferson is very supportive of this, and he doesn't even have to ask you to check on Grace - you'd gladly do it anytime.

Peter Pan: You can use the same magic as everyone else on Neverland can and, though it sounds extremely cheesy, the only limit is your imagination. Of course, Peter could limit your magic if he wanted, but he hasn't yet wanted to - he wants to give you everything in the world that he can.

Felix: You have the same magic and limitations as stated in the previous paragraph, but Pan does limit your magic as much as he limits any of the lost boys'.

Kristoff: Though you can't use magic yourself, you are somewhat close to Elsa and know a good amount about her powers.